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DayZ Persistance


The Butler
The Great Britain
So I just started playing DayZ and I want somewhere that I can call home, however when ever I try to put a tent down the restart gets rid of it. Can you make it persistent to keep the gear and tents and fireplaces @Wilco?

Make it more fun!

I've found the same happening to me. I'm not sure if it's meant to be persistent and just broken or you haven't put it on the server or not? But yeah +1 from me.

I'm also gonna suggest the Altislife server going private hive so that we don't have to worry about server hoppers, because atm in a firefight, someone can log off, log on another public hive with like 0 players online. Then find a better tactical position, log back in and absolutetly rek you.

Its just broken, as dean hall says, It will be fixed when its fixed or done when its done....

Its just broken, as dean hall says, It will be fixed when its fixed or done when its done....
Wilco, my suggestion still stands, will it be possible for the ALUK server to become a private hive?

Yeah, I agree with Lemmen private hive would be much better. We got into a firefight yesterday and the guys just hopped off and never came back on and just wanted to keep the loot, Can I also recommend we maybe have the day cycles changed a bit? I find quite a few of us on late at night and we have to play in the dark constantly.

2 years in alpha thats all I have to say on this

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