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favouritism in the Police Force???


Well-known member
United Kingdom, Preston
This has been bugging me lately, and it's really not fair on most of people who play. I've witnessed so many situations where the officer see's a rebel with an illegal weapon and just tells him/her to put their weapon in your bag, then leaves... I feel this is mainly due to the fact that they either know eachother or ex gang members. however I have recently seen this happen because they are in a "big gang". According to the Police handbook, possession of a illegal firearm, attachments, and ammo should normally add up to a £100000 ticket and the weapon removed, Which happens to most of the people who play. 

I do not see this happening to some individuals, because the police are scared of getting killed or something?? I have no idea, (This is not targeted to the whole police force, just some individuals in the police which names will not be given)

The police tend not to seize weapons, as any attempt to take them often ends in the officer losing his life. They are just valuing their lives, with a bit of low-key metagaming mixed in :D

From being in the Police force, it is getting a bit tiring when you see someone with an illegal firearm now adays because you can predict what will happen. "Let me go or you will get shot", "I have snipers in the area", "Taze me and you will get shot". Seems to happen quite a lot and quit honestly, most of us are sick of it and either let them carry on with them or put it in their backpack. Having said this, in the Police meetings, we do not give any special treatment to certain gangs / military people.

The police tend not to seize weapons, as any attempt to take them often ends in the officer losing his life. They are just valuing their lives, with a bit of low-key metagaming mixed in :D
Since when? Seize you shall! No illegal firearms on the streets of Altis.

who even uses the police handbook...
Every police officer.

- Personal note -

Every rebel group are the same and should be treated the same way. To refresh everyone's mind:


What come officers fail to comprehend is that if you are going to let Tom Dick and Harry that have got large rifles sell their drugs with their guns out you shouldn't on a moral basis confiscate Hansel and Grettle's rifles just because they are of a lower calibre, 100m away and clearly not their friends. Favouritism? No. Keeping themselves away from a gunfight? Maybe, BUT at the cost of looking biased/'metagamers'/ lack of consistency. 

Police officers need to value their life so if you have seen 5 rebels and 1 police officer overlooking a situation its most likely because we like breathing :D

The punishment that the officer gives is to their own discretion, those fines/punishments are just guidelines. Police have to value their lives, sometimes its better to let them go once they keep their gun out of sight instead if it ending in a gunfight. In the Police we value our lives over anything and everything else.

~ SPC James Travers

The punishment that the officer gives is to their own discretion, those fines/punishments are just guidelines. Police have to value their lives, sometimes its better to let them go once they keep their gun out of sight instead if it ending in a gunfight. In the Police we value our lives over anything and everything else.

~ SPC James Travers
I understand mate, but i've witnessed 2 Police Officers against 1 guy with illegal weapon? 

Police officers need to value their life so if you have seen 5 rebels and 1 police officer overlooking a situation its most likely because we like breathing :D
If thats the case? why can't the police call for assistance?

I understand mate, but i've witnessed 2 Police Officers against 1 guy with illegal weapon? 
From when I used to be in the cops, you'd see a lot of "just put it in your car/bag, mate" because it sucks to get an expensive weapon taken away. Provided they're not actually using it for anything, then most of the time they get the opportunity to hide it. If they don't have that opportunity, then it  tends to be seized.

If the person is being a dick or generally aggressive, police tend to get more hostile.

The thing you need to remember is that we're all just having fun, and most of the time, if police take the gun, it leads to some kind of aggressive from the person having their gun taken, and a ball-ache for the police doing the removal.

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Its also not against server rules for police officers to role play as a corrupt officer. Although if they get caught they risk being blacklisted from the police department 

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As I said its to the officers discretion, some officers will give someone a 75k ticket, personally I give around a 25-50k ticket. Just so your aware just because there is 2 officers, that doesn't mean that the rebels buddies aren't in the area and sometimes we are told that there are snipers in the area and that if we don't leave we will be shot. At that point we must leave. But you aren't completely wrong, officers should punish people when necessary, letting someone go with an illegal firearm without any reason, well then it is debatable as to what happened. But don't make what is practically a complaint without stating all details of the situations, as it is very unclear as to what happened.

~ SPC James Travers

As I said its to the officers discretion, some officers will give someone a 75k ticket, personally I give around a 25-50k ticket. Just so your aware just because there is 2 officers, that doesn't mean that the rebels buddies aren't in the area and sometimes we are told that there are snipers in the area and that if we don't leave we will be shot. At that point we must leave. But you aren't completely wrong, officers should punish people when necessary, letting someone go with an illegal firearm without any reason, well then it is debatable as to what happened. But don't make what is practically a complaint without stating all details of the situations, as it is very unclear as to what happened.

~ SPC James Travers
I agree with you but shouldn't the police ask the rebel to drop the weapon, and then leave when the rebel actually says "I have mates in the area"? Instead of just assuming.

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Well for example, there were 4 rebels, all had guns out, and 3 of us , so we made a "deal" with them untill we got some backup there so we could actually do something.. sometimes people from some certain gangs just run around kavala with their guns out and most of the time when we ignore it it s because we know that talking to them would lead to some shooty shooty because they re setup around, same with those kind of guys that drive ifrits around and get the cops to follow them to a millitary compound where their friends are already set up.. or those guys that know they re wanted and they re driving aggresive towards you just for a chase.. it s not about friendships or so, it s about us that don t want to get in a very bad situation. Also, there s a lot of things going on around altis, so even if we call for backup it takes some time.

You are all cops tho, you have to stop illegal activity and that means putting your life at risk ofc. 

I think it's best to confiscate the weapons and then sell them back to other rebels. @Hololock

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I will add that this kind of behaviour depends on the role play at hand, the gun wearer may have an RP reason the carry it.

I see where everyone is coming from. Before I joined the police, I was in a gang, except, we liked to do a lot of legal work. I've been on the server for quite some time, and no matter if you do legal/illegal activities, you will still be robbed. Now, I use to do iron/copper/diamond runs, unless there is more than 3 of you, there is no way of protecting yourselves from being robbed which is why a rifle is sometimes needed. I have a guideline of my own that I follow on top of the police guidelines which is: if a rebel does an illegal activity and/or tries to inflict harm on a person I will seize the illegal firearm. If a rebel does a legal activity and isn't inflicting harm on anyone or bothering anyone but just simply trying to protect themselves, I will tell just to hide the weapon.

If we seize every weapon we saw, the people who are being nice and doing legal work, are just going to turn into the rebels we see nowadays and just shoot us. We need to try and be friendly, and not make everyone hate us on the island of altis. 

If someone has an illegal firearm, but has done nothing wrong, why should we seize it, this just creates tension and hate towards police officers.

See where I am coming from?

That's my explanation representing most of the officers I know.

- SPC Temp

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Since when? Seize you shall! No illegal firearms on the streets of Altis.
That should be the case, but sadly it isnt. If UNMC have guns out it wont be taken off them, same with invicta and TCK. I forgot the last time i got stopped and told to put my gun down its normally "alright mate you got a bag for a reason". Cant blame the police through its not their fault.
