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General Election 2019


The King
Legendary Donator
You may discuss the general election in this topic only

Please keep it clean do not argue everyone has there own views and opinions and they should be respected

There will be no discussion permitted in-game, anywhere else on the forums or discord, you may discuss on teamspeak with friends

As people who have been here a while know we do not usually allow politics unless there is a major event and its confined to one topic only so people can avoid it if they wish to! politics should have no place in gaming

Make sure to do your own research and don't just get your information from newspaper/media outlets, just look at the suns front page today to see how biased certain media can be.

Regardless of who you choose to vote for, just make sure you do vote.


To be honest, it seems to be all about why you shouldn't vote for so and so and not necessarily about the people but hey ho. The local conservative MP for myself has a rather unfortunate surname... Mr. Hunt. I'm sure those with 2 brain cells can see what people who don't like him call him.... 

If unsure on who to vote for, look at what your local candidates stand for on issues important to you. Britain utilises a constituency-based political system and we should make best use of it. Who you choose to elect determines who represents your local areas views in parliament. No shame in voting for an independent candidate.

Local conservative guy comes into my school(mostly 16-17, maybe 5/10 18yo out of ~200) and says that 16+ shouldn’t vote, 18+ should (fair enough), then hits us with “ 16 yo brain are more like 10 year olds than an 18 year olds” - what moron wrote this guys script. Never seen a room turn against some guy so fast - cus he made a pretty good impression at the start. 

I actually think Boris looks like someone's first attempt of drawing Donald Trump. Or the other way around. Can't really tell. 
Either way good luck with your election guys.

Or make your own choice and vote for a party that you agree with. Like what @H4WKACTUAL said above, vote for who will best represent you and your area on the topics you find important.

Don’t just vote for Tory because 62 year old Nigel from Derbyshire said “CoMRaDe CoRbYN Will make everyone homeless and kill us all, our only hope is Boris the saviour”. Same goes with every other party, people come out with such utter shite at election times.

Do your own research and make your own vote.

To be perfectly honest, it's my first time voting and I believe that none of the parties will be getting my vote. This is mainly because I don't really know about politics and secondly, there is stuff from both Labour and Conservatives that I want and not want which means it's difficult for me to choose. Hopefully when the next vote is around I'll understand politics just a bit more. 

Who in the right mind wants borris Johnson as their PM the guys fuckin tit on the other hand bigup jeza corbyn #makeukgreatagain

