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How to make 300K in 5 mins.:

To everyone:

My story on this server:

Got myself an Offroad and started making cider, I had made 150k with that money I wanted to buy a car to move faster from point A to B. But when I was about to buy it, I hear the words: "hands above your head". And this is how I lost all my starting money and a few hours of doing cider, then I joined the police force to stop this things from happening, but after some time, kids would call me to liaison room every hour becouse they couldn't stand getting killed, so after some time the police thing was begging to get annoying. Then last week I decided to bring my HERO DayZ group on the server and do some stuff (oil), at the trader we got robbed and that convinced us to do illegal stuff: drugs, robing gas stations and we where pretty good at that. That they we decided to rob people and I suddenly remembered about my past experience with the same Car Dealership. So we placed ourselves in positions around and we waited for 2 minutes until our first victim appeared. 

Then you can see waht happened in the video.

We didn't do this for the money we have enough...

We where running away from the cops because I still have friends there and I don't want to end up killing my partener or one of my trainees.

After the "cop running away thing" we contacted the guys and offered them a job with a big payoff (400k each) we did that becouse we started to feel sorry for them and we wanted to seem like ok guys. They are now members in our clan. 

Sadly you started to hate before you knew. And to be fair, I think you should concentrate that "love for new players" on TCK and other big clans robbing and just looking for a gunfight with poor RP etc.

I don't see big clans giving the money back to the guys that they robbed plus a little bonus and also inviting them in their clan.

Kind regards,


I almost was robbed for 10 mil by TCK after selling PCs. They thankfully followed the wrong HEMMT and not me!

To everyone:

My story on this server:

Got myself an Offroad and started making cider, I had made 150k with that money I wanted to buy a car to move faster from point A to B. But when I was about to buy it, I hear the words: "hands above your head". And this is how I lost all my starting money and a few hours of doing cider, then I joined the police force to stop this things from happening, but after some time, kids would call me to liaison room every hour becouse they couldn't stand getting killed, so after some time the police thing was begging to get annoying. Then last week I decided to bring my HERO DayZ group on the server and do some stuff (oil), at the trader we got robbed and that convinced us to do illegal stuff: drugs, robing gas stations and we where pretty good at that. That they we decided to rob people and I suddenly remembered about my past experience with the same Car Dealership. So we placed ourselves in positions around and we waited for 2 minutes until our first victim appeared. 

Then you can see waht happened in the video.

We didn't do this for the money we have enough...

We where running away from the cops because I still have friends there and I don't want to end up killing my partener or one of my trainees.

After the "cop running away thing" we contacted the guys and offered them a job with a big payoff (400k each) we did that becouse we started to feel sorry for them and we wanted to seem like ok guys. They are now members in our clan. 

Sadly you started to hate before you knew. And to be fair, I think you should concentrate that "love for new players" on TCK and other big clans robbing and just looking for a gunfight with poor RP etc.

I don't see big clans giving the money back to the guys that they robbed plus a little bonus and also inviting them in their clan.

Kind regards,

I gotta stop you on gangs looking for gunfights and stuff. We do really care about the new players that arrives on the island. Thats why we urge them to do copper. The joy when they hear that 15 odd rebels are protecting them is amazing. 

We are certainly not looking for gunfights. Maybe other gangs do but we concentrate on RP.

If I do remember correctly I arrested all 3 of them and charged them for their crimes.

If I do remember correctly I arrested all 3 of them and charged them for their crimes.
yes my dude, but after 2 a day and a half... and it was not actually a crime as I said, just some fun.
