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Jason Detiri- Temporary Leave! Bk in July

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Take care Jason, byeee!

wheres my tag tho 😄 

Regardsless, it has been an honour to meet/patrol with you. Hope to see you back someday

Dont be a stranger!

nah it hasn’t become all about gunplay, I want to see limits on the amount of guns that can be bought per restart and other unpopular features the trigger kiddy culture isn’t going to like!

try us again soon! 🙂
That sounds good but in practice it will probably lead to gunfights over who gets the guns xD

nah it hasn’t become all about gunplay, I want to see limits on the amount of guns that can be bought per restart and other unpopular features the trigger kiddy culture isn’t going to like!

try us again soon! 🙂
I love this idea, if this was implemented and well balanced between cops and rebels this could be a game changer and bring so much life/fun back to the server.

Yo Jason take it easy buddy i wish you all the best in what your doing your a sound lad, everyone at some point thinks this about the server. Just do what i do don't quit something you've dedicated so much time to and met so many good people on just take a small break separate yourself from the things that are not making you enjoy this as much you would like. Have a few weeks or months of and come back it's nice to take a little break now and then.



Thanks for all the awesome comments! 

Peace ✌️ 

Get to sleep boyo 😂

take it easy man✌️❤️
Bye ma dood!

My Marine

Sweet dreams 

I’ll be back one day, I just feel there needs to be changes xo 

Take care mate! Im sure il be seeing you around somewhere! Remember that TCK is for life and you better come back at some point. 
Aye, you will indeed! TCK for life! 

It was nice meeting you pal, wish you the best. Pop on occasionally and we will have some fun! 😁
Enjoy your new tags xP see ya later! 

I knew it was coming im sad to see my wettree leave me but it is what it is lad ill be see youing soon 
Bye Jammal mate with your 2 minuete leaving post! ❤️

You're a good lad Jason mate, sad to see you go but looking forward to your return! Take care in the mean time bud! See you soon and stay safe! ❤
❤️ Keep up the videos for dem hobos haha

So many people leaving recently, good luck TCK Jason Detiri 🤣 

See ya lad.
Good luck in the police Ket. Porter ❤️

I want my money 
A lot of people want their money, am I right @Josh Black.

Cya Jason 
In a bit! 

bye jason. 
Bye Ron!

In a bit mate. Remember to pop by every now and again. 
Will do mate! 

Woah..... Im dissapointed

General Wicker
Bye Wicker! 

Is that all I get Mr Best EA driver! 

Goodbye Jason, hopefully I am still around when you return... until next time. 
Got a screenshot of your cringey post bye ex de! 

Have a great one my dude, all the best bud! Hopefully see you again soon! don't be a stranger!!! ❤️
Cheers Remi, I’m never a stranger ❤️

@Jason Detiri Later man, take care of yourself
Bye TCK Hammah! ❤️ jk OG Hammah

TC and GL
Cyl and sf

Cya man! Pop in the radio sometime 🙂
The original Congo Warrior! 

And to the rest “Have A GREAAAAAT DAY” @PapaSmurphy

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it was not meant as i said basically nothing its just because i dont really have anything to say to you leaving ;( 
I didn’t mean it in that way either 😂😅 just sayinng bye haha 

this mean i dont get my 7 mil 😞
You’ll get it soon don’t worry, not from me personally but I’m sure I can persuade someone to pay you and I’ll pay them back whenever I rejoin the server. 

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