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Let's talk about cops..

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I love it when rebels complain when they have no evidence
Is this the only thing you got from this thread ? Like do you really believe we just decided to make a thread to complain about something for the sake of it ? The point of this thread was to make people realize that being cops doesn't mean you can break the rules like you want to. Sure, we have no evidence, but let me make one thing clear here. We do not complain or point fingers at people just for the fuck of it. Next time I'll make sure I have evidence since it's obvious you people won't take our words for it.

I don't understand why you felt you had to make that comment to be honest. It's just a useless and annoying comment with which you're trying to start a flame war.

I love it when rebels complain when they have no evidence
Thanks for your input which was already put in the thread about 4 times before you, quite nicer and more respectful. Please read the thread or the replies before you just post a meaningless comment to derail the thread. Appreciate it.

According to the rules, police are allowed to send out the "decoy" car you describe and then stay at the scene for as long as they'd like when they have a suspicion of someone potentially trying to sell drugs (They would in real life aswell, logic). As i am aware, (but this may have changed since i was an officer), the police is, with th eright authorization, allowed to add things to a wanted list. For example violation of aviation laws, since the chopper was probably seen flying within city limits. What i do think seems a little fishy/dodgy, call it what you'd like, is the 4 officers being at the same spot when you come back 2 minutes later, when they had already made a successful drug bust.

But then again, if the circumstances forced the officers to stay there (they might have a report of someone else on their way there), this would still be legitemate.

Lastly, as other people in this thread already stated, it is only a tiny group of the police who aren't good. Most of them, by far, are rally good roleplayers. I was in the academy myself, and the whole procedure and training of officers tries to secure the best quality of roleplay for every single officer comming in.

If they then manage to fuck up after that, that's on themselves in my opinion ;P

Never said that sending a decoy would be against the rules but nevertheless, thanks for clarifying.
Can you also clarify what you meant by "they have a suspicion of someone potentially trying to sell drugs"? I mean, we started kind of tracking the decoy but in the same time we acted like we were retreating. Basically we flew backwards about 1km then decided to make a turn towards the processor again. Just gave a little more in-depth info if that could help you.
The chopper wasn't breaking any aviation laws close by cities since we never really flew close to them. The put it on the list for helping me, most likely, when they couldn't have known for sure what we were doing.
We didn't even come back exactly 2 minutes ago. I had to run about a kilometer until my friend came by, landed, took off again and then flew to the processor. I'd suppose it would be a little bit more than 2 minutes even.

I know that the procedure of joining the police force must be a little tough and that's why I made this thread. How are people like these passing the 'exams'?

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Promotions tend to be too quick and nobody knows what they're doing, when I rejoined the police I was trying to tell DSGTs what to do...
Have you raised this issue to command???

Maybe you and everyone else has two ways of doing things..

Have you raised this issue to command???

Maybe you and everyone else has two ways of doing things..
No I haven't. I agree with the second however in some things there is a right and wrong way. Or a "my way" or "no way" as some people show.

No I haven't. I agree with the second however in some things there is a right and wrong way. Or a "my way" or "no way" as some people show.
Well I suggest you bring it to command as I'm sure it is something they'd be very interested to hear.

Thanks for your input which was already put in the thread about 4 times before you, quite nicer and more respectful. Please read the thread or the replies before you just post a meaningless comment to derail the thread. Appreciate it.

Never said that sending a decoy would be against the rules but nevertheless, thanks for clarifying.
Can you also clarify what you meant by "they have a suspicion of someone potentially trying to sell drugs"? I mean, we started kind of tracking the decoy but in the same time we acted like we were retreating. Basically we flew backwards about 1km then decided to make a turn towards the processor again. Just gave a little more in-depth info if that could help you.
The chopper wasn't breaking any aviation laws close by cities since we never really flew close to them. The put it on the list for helping me, most likely, when they couldn't have known for sure what we were doing.
We didn't even come back exactly 2 minutes ago. I had to run about a kilometer until my friend came by, landed, took off again and then flew to the processor. I'd suppose it would be a little bit more than 2 minutes even.

I know that the procedure of joining the police force must be a little tough and that's why I made this thread. How are people like these passing the 'exams'?
Having a suspicion could be if they had a hint. Otherwise, if you get close to the drug dealer with your chopper, you are 100% under suspicion, and they will then stay at the area, because even though you may have retreated, you could just be misleading them, as they tried to do to you aswell. In a realistic sense, if real-life cops knew that something could potentially go down, they wouldn't leave the area for a long time, as the people they had their eyes on, might return after they thought the area was clear. even though you might be 1 km away, they can still see you man, and they might have someone with binoculars watching you, or even better, NPAS.

About the adding of "something" to your friends bounty. Basically he was hovering just over the ground in a know drug area, and he then fled when the police wanted him to get out. Why would they not give him a bounty for that?

I love it when cops make threads about the treasury 2 minutes after they loose the battle

or you should look at the police liaison room 2 minutes after you lose the battle (Current standard)
This is just the way it is. Someone always gets salty about losing. There is no way to avoid that. I just don't bother with it really, it's really not worth wasting your precious gaming time on :p

And at the end of the day it's just a game. If you spend half of your time being salty or arguing with other people, it's not really fun is it? And what's the point then ;)

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Having a suspicion could be if they had a hint. Otherwise, if you get close to the drug dealer with your chopper, you are 100% under suspicion, and they will then stay at the area, because even though you may have retreated, you could just be misleading them, as they tried to do to you aswell. In a realistic sense, if real-life cops knew that something could potentially go down, they wouldn't leave the area for a long time, as the people they had their eyes on, might return after they thought the area was clear. even though you might be 1 km away, they can still see you man, and they might have someone with binoculars watching you, or even better, NPAS.

About the adding of "something" to your friends bounty. Basically he was hovering just over the ground in a know drug area, and he then fled when the police wanted him to get out. Why would they not give him a bounty for that?
Well this can be argued on and on for quite a bit so I suppose we can leave it as it is right now. No need in further continuing that specific conversation. Just saying since when you're in a 'realistic situation'. In a realistic situation when the police screws up and scared the traffickers away, they don't go back to the same machine, they go to a new location. Since we're limited to this processor, we don't have that solution. You can get your own conclusions out of this.

True but they still had no proof of him doing anything illegal or having any illegal substances on him. With what right can they put a bounty on his chopper in this case?

Well this can be argued on and on for quite a bit so I suppose we can leave it as it is right now. No need in further continuing that specific conversation. Just saying since when you're in a 'realistic situation'. In a realistic situation when the police screws up and scared the traffickers away, they don't go back to the same machine, they go to a new location. Since we're limited to this processor, we don't have that solution. You can get your own conclusions out of this.

True but they still had no proof of him doing anything illegal or having any illegal substances on him. With what right can they put a bounty on his chopper in this case?
As you said, this discussion could go on for a long time :p They didn't do anythin gwrong according to the rules though, except the thing about camping afterwards, but again, they may have had a new hint.

The reason for him having his bounty is, as i said, fleeing in a helicopter after being told not to. He was hovering right next to the dealer, which really does seem suspicious, so the cops then have every right to stop him and check him, just like in real life. So the charges would probably be something like, suspicion of possible drug trafficking, and failure to stop for the police.

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As you said, this discussion could go on for a long time :p They didn't do anythin gwrong according to the rules though, except the thing about camping afterwards, but again, they may have had a new hint.

The reason for him having his bounty is, as i said, fleeing in a helicopter after being told not to. He was hovering right next to the dealer, which really does seem suspicious, so the cops then have every right to stop him and check him, just like in real life. So the charges would probably be something like, suspicion of possible drug trafficking, and failure to stop for the police.
Problem is nobody told me anything.

Problem is nobody told me anything.
I assume you mean the officers either didn't tell you to get out, or they didn't tell you about the bounty.

1st thing. They don't have to tell you about them adding a bounty, as they have no actual way of contacting you without metagaming.

2nd thing. Even though you didn't hear the cops yelling you to stop, which most likely is the case, it's not their fault, nor responsibility. When you are in a chopper hovering 1 meter above the ground. Wheter this is real life or ingame - when police approaches you, you should probably turn it off.

I feel like these things were common sense, if you look at it with the "what-if-this-was-real-life" goggles, but maybe not :p

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I assume you mean the officers either didn't tell you to get out, or they didn't tell you about the bounty.

1st thing. They don't have to tell you about them adding a bounty, as they have no actual way of contacting you without metagaming.

2nd thing. Even though you didn't hear the cops yelling you to stop, which most likely is the case, it's not their fault, nor responsibility. When you are in a chopper hovering 1 meter above the ground. Wheter this is real life or ingame - when police approaches you, you should probably turn it off.

I feel like these things were common sense, if you look at it with the "what-if-this-was-real-life" goggles, but maybe not :p
You're right. It should be obvious that I had to land the chopper whether I heard them or not. Truth is I didn't do it because last time I got caught by the police at the Processor they scrapped my 200k Truck. Next time I won't fly a chopper there since it's too obvious for everyone in a few km range. However I'm still mad because of the fact that they shot at us without warning.

You're right. It should be obvious that I had to land the chopper whether I heard them or not. Truth is I didn't do it because last time I got caught by the police at the Processor they scrapped my 200k Truck. Next time I won't fly a chopper there since it's too obvious for everyone in a few km range. However I'm still mad because of the fact that they shot at us without warning.
That is true, and if no "automatic aviation message" had been sent (basically they metagame your name, then write a message to you ingame from the phone stating something like "all pilots within xxx is advised to leave the area. Failure to do so will result in engagement" or something like that. They write it so it sounds like it goes to all pilots on altis, but really it's only for you). If that message wasn't sent, it is basically RDM unless they were authorized, or you were entering a hostile zone, which i doubt since you didn't mention anything about an ongoing firefight.

And yea, a chopper at a drug dealer is a really bad idea wheter there are cops or not (rebels will see you too ;P)

I know what you mean with the message. I have received that message in other situations but not in the 2 specific situations me and my friend were talking about.

I know what you mean with the message. I have received that message in other situations but not in the 2 specific situations me and my friend were talking about.
Then, depending on the officers side of the story, it could be classed as RDM.

I love it when cops make threads about the treasury 2 minutes after they loose the battle
Wouldn't be me im inactive 

Is this the only thing you got from this thread ? Like do you really believe we just decided to make a thread to complain about something for the sake of it ? The point of this thread was to make people realize that being cops doesn't mean you can break the rules like you want to. Sure, we have no evidence, but let me make one thing clear here. We do not complain or point fingers at people just for the fuck of it. Next time I'll make sure I have evidence since it's obvious you people won't take our words for it.

I don't understand why you felt you had to make that comment to be honest. It's just a useless and annoying comment with which you're trying to start a flame war.
You NEED evidence to back up your word. Just how it is.

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Wouldn't be me im inactive 

You NEED evidence to back up your word. Just how it is.
Again missing the point. It's not about getting the cops that did this demoted or banned or something. It's about raising attention to the issue that some cops don't really know how to do their job properly so in the future at least they are initiated better.

Again missing the point. It's not about getting the cops that did this demoted or banned or something. It's about raising attention to the issue that some cops don't really know how to do their job properly so in the future at least they are initiated better.
Again, YOU are missing the point. If you want to raise attention you bring it up with PCC with evidence instead of venting it across the forums which is not helpful in anyway shape or form. Next time, So something can be done a the officer of the situation can be notified and corrected record and bring it up with a SI+ in the police liason room. This post was always going to side track, Its a rebel Vs Police topic. Never work, Been said before and that is why you hardly see them anymore.

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