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[LRG] Harry - Breaking General Rules

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Nah the garage 1 was fine after restart as we spoke to cops they just thought they could attack after not putting weapons down so that wasnt it, it was earlier when police made a checkpoint out of paros and main road to unmc checkpoint. we got there at totally the wrong time as it was an rdm fest so basically police kept re spawning as they ignore the new life rule if they get rdmed which is fair enough obv the lrg people was there was getting abit annoyed as the cops keep coming back, so they got rdmed and we come and kill as well thinking its a civ help ect... but this has been dealt on teamspeak with myself, Jc, and zIN.

EDIT: not slept dodgy post right here :D

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In my defence, I meant to drop the spike strip but instead clicked use, hence why i said is it okay for me to drop it so you can pick it up?, I didn't mean to do it as i knew i was caught and going to jail, I did roleplay my part by adding a lawyer into the situation.

As for harry yeah the way he went around it isnt the best, however I will stand up for him and make one point, Police shouldn't be allowed to roleplay being punch/assaulted so they can send someone to jail,

Surely if they can, then i can  run up to a cop, Roleplay being punched then kill him in self defence?

Pretty much the same circumstances,

I see that yeah it was good to roleplay being punched as thats what its all about but then been punished for it? Maybe play the role abit more have some fun but tbh I cant see the punishing side to this, Like my point made above about if it was be pretending to be hit by cop, that doesnt allow me to shoot him for self defence even though ive roleplayed it.

Myself and grimreaper have spoken to all LRG members after this incident as there were issues admins made aware to us. I spoke to Vacatio and personally said if there is any problem with a LRG member let me know and will sort the issue out ASAP.

LRG do not want the reputation of bad gameplay and will happily discipline any members that do to cooperate and break rules or BAD RP.

Myself and Grimreaper will have further words later on with all members, And will be told any members that break rules, or dont RP will be instantly removed from the group with the evidence to back it.

Sorry for any Issues 

He was restrained for that reason, he was jailed for threats to kill and the fact that he didn't cooperate, which was stated in the video. He would've been let go if he had cooperated and didn't make these threats so it's not our fault that he decided not to do that.

I am in total agreement with the fact that my role play was atrocious. This would have been a perfect time for me to increase my role playing skills also. I was not playing how I should of played but I want you to know that although what I was portraying there was extremely terrible, it is not how I normally role play. I only acted in such a manor due to the fact that I was tased in the back at the police HQ for no crime what so ever; this led me to believe that you were in fact breaking the rules. Now, I now fully understand that I was not in fact allowed to proclaim that you were breaking the rules out load, as this is also breaking role play. Although it is no excuse for no role play, I did not want to continue with what was going on due to me being tasered and arrested for no reason, I was also seeing if I was able to contact anyone who knew if the situation that was going on was not breaking any rules, this is why at some points I would talk (assuming rules were not being broken) and some points I would not (assuming rules were being broken).

I do now fully understand what rules were broken and I really hope that we meet in game again sometime and I can show you that I can in fact role play and am not a player who goes around trying to break rules, but instead, I am a player that enjoys the server and 99.9% of the people who play on it and does not go around trying to break rules and ruin everyone's fun.
*no crime what so ever*

I see my superior officer on the floor screaming "he's hit me" I'm going to do what I need to do, when moved because you kept making a joke about Voltz' hat you threatened to have us all killed, so don't say you were jailed for nothing at all when the clear reason was due to the fact that you were uncooperative and also threatened to kill multiple officers. For FIVE minutes you decided to cease role playing to which we continued and just ignored the fact that you were being childish, for FIVE minutes you stopped talking WHATSOEVER, no role play, no reactions, NOTHING- until the point that I told you you were going to jail.

You CLEARLY knew what you were saying when you spoke about the rules and "where the video is going". It was not used in an accidental manner, when questioned about the rules it took you a few seconds to realize that you had actually broken a said rule to which you correct your statement pronouncing that it was "the rules of life".

Puppy please stop with the stupid spam, Its clogs it up, Right a post if you want your say please.

Okay I see your point of view to the roleplay, Like i said the way harry handled the situation isnt right however we have had words and he has realised himself. There is no way of finding out if you werent actually going to arrested if he never reacted the way he did. I just think this roleplay was very harsh and had a negative outcome however it was played. But no one will know what would have happened if he didnt react the way he did.

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Just want to point out, you are one of the few of LRG that handles according to the rules. Most of the time. And you're lucky you said please <3

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He was restrained for that reason, he was jailed for threats to kill and the fact that he didn't cooperate, which was stated in the video. He would've been let go if he had cooperated and didn't make these threats so it's not our fault that he decided not to do that.

*no crime what so ever*

I see my superior officer on the floor screaming "he's hit me" I'm going to do what I need to do, when moved because you kept making a joke about Voltz' hat you threatened to have us all killed, so don't say you were jailed for nothing at all when the clear reason was due to the fact that you were uncooperative and also threatened to kill multiple officers. For FIVE minutes you decided to cease role playing to which we continued and just ignored the fact that you were being childish, for FIVE minutes you stopped talking WHATSOEVER, no role play, no reactions, NOTHING- until the point that I told you you were going to jail.

You CLEARLY knew what you were saying when you spoke about the rules and "where the video is going". It was not used in an accidental manner, when questioned about the rules it took you a few seconds to realize that you had actually broken a said rule to which you correct your statement pronouncing that it was "the rules of life".
I did not say I was jailed for nothing, I said I was arrested for nothing, which I was. As JC said earlier, anyone could go to an officer, run past, and say they tripped them up and open fire on them if we were allowed to do what you did. Also, I was doing push ups on the floor when he said he got hit, so I clearly did nothing wrong. Just to let you know, I do agree with you, I was aware that I was breaking a rule by saying that you were breaking the rules and I understand I was completely wrong there, but I was unaware of some of the others rules I was breaking.

I know what I did was not an accident but what you did didn't seem right either... Tased for nothing. Also, even if you were to role play that I had hit the officer, which could not have happened because I was doing push ups anyway, the role play would NOT consist of being tasered imminently when on the floor, handcuffs would have been the right approach.

This could have all been avoided and saved the admins a lot of time if you have brought this up with me either on the forums or on teamspeak, I could have explained why I acted the way I did act and why I thought you were in the wrong.

At this point in time I believe that we were in fact BOTH in the wrong and should not have committed the actions we committed.

I did not say I was jailed for nothing, I said I was arrested for nothing, which I was. As JC said earlier, anyone could go to an officer, run past, and say they tripped them up and open fire on them if we were allowed to do what you did. Also, I was doing push ups on the floor when he said he got hit, so I clearly did nothing wrong. Just to let you know, I do agree with you, I was aware that I was breaking a rule by saying that you were breaking the rules and I understand I was completely wrong there, but I was unaware of some of the others rules I was breaking.

I know what I did was not an accident but what you did didn't seem right either... Tased for nothing. Also, even if you were to role play that I had hit the officer, which could not have happened because I was doing push ups anyway, the role play would NOT consist of being tasered imminently when on the floor, handcuffs would have been the right approach.

This could have all been avoided and saved the admins a lot of time if you have brought this up with me either on the forums or on teamspeak, I could have explained why I acted the way I did act and why I thought you were in the wrong.

At this point in time I believe that we were in fact BOTH in the wrong and should not have committed the actions we committed.

7:30 in the video, you were doing press-ups were you? Yeah you weren't, check the video.

You weren't tazed for nothing at all, you assaulted an officer from what Bob said, I'm going to listen to what my superior officer says especially when he is on the floor. You weren't tazed for nothing at all, you were tazed for that situation specifically. You were not arrested for nothing either. You threatened a bunch of officers, kept insulting Voltz and then decided not to roleplay at all.

Don't try to pin this on me at all, you could've easily gotten out of this situation. Bob even offered to drop the charges, you would've walked free, but when you insulted Voltz, I moved you around the building so he could continue his roleplay, to which you threatened that you would kill ALL of us, to which I decided to move you and take you into the building, then after you got fed up and stopped playing whatsoever.

7:30 in the video, you were doing press-ups were you? Yeah you weren't, check the video.

You weren't tazed for nothing at all, you assaulted an officer from what Bob said, I'm going to listen to what my superior officer says especially when he is on the floor. You weren't tazed for nothing at all, you were tazed for that situation specifically. You were not arrested for nothing either. You threatened a bunch of officers, kept insulting Voltz and then decided not to roleplay at all.

Don't try to pin this on me at all, you could've easily gotten out of this situation. Bob even offered to drop the charges, you would've walked free, but when you insulted Voltz, I moved you around the building so he could continue his roleplay, to which you threatened that you would kill ALL of us, to which I decided to move you and take you into the building, then after you got fed up and stopped playing whatsoever.
I was going off memory, I did not watch the video. Correct, I was not doing press ups at the time. Going back to my point before, because you don't seem to understand, we could go up to random police officers and say the same thing, shoot them, and we would be banned, so why should you be allowed to? You shouldn't.

I am not trying to pin this on anyone, but stating the damn obvious! Once again, I was tased for no real reason. If you were trying to role play it, firstly I did not have any aggression towards the police officer, so I would not have punched him, and secondly you would have tased me without being told that he was hit. If we can't role play like that to anyone, why should you be allowed to.

I was going off memory, I did not watch the video. Correct, I was not doing press ups at the time. Going back to my point before, because you don't seem to understand, we could go up to random police officers and say the same thing, shoot them, and we would be banned, so why should you be allowed to? You shouldn't.

I am not trying to pin this on anyone, but stating the damn obvious! Once again, I was tased for no real reason. If you were trying to role play it, firstly I did not have any aggression towards the police officer, so I would not have punched him, and secondly you would have tased me without being told that he was hit. If we can't role play like that to anyone, why should you be allowed to.
There is a difference in severity towards us roleplaying that situation out than you going up to someone, saying it and shooting them.

For one, we are not killing the person, two we are not causing them to lose their stuff. In the end, killing a cop they don't get to go free. You being arrested gave you a chance to go free but instead you took it very sharply and decided not to comply, resulting in your threats and giving up role play, which is not the correct way to go about it. 

You were once again not tazed for no reason. Furthermore, how can you prove that I would've tazed you even if I wasn't told that you hit a superior officer as he was on the floor? What is it with the generalization of officers on the force that causes people to assume that we are out to get everyone? I just want role play, and I want fun. You ruined the fun that day by throwing a hissy fit, breaking two rules and disappearing for five minutes.

There is a difference in severity towards us roleplaying that situation out than you going up to someone, saying it and shooting them.

For one, we are not killing the person, two we are not causing them to lose their stuff. In the end, killing a cop they don't get to go free. You being arrested gave you a chance to go free but instead you took it very sharply and decided not to comply, resulting in your threats and giving up role play, which is not the correct way to go about it. 

You were once again not tazed for no reason. Furthermore, how can you prove that I would've tazed you even if I wasn't told that you hit a superior officer as he was on the floor? What is it with the generalization of officers on the force that causes people to assume that we are out to get everyone? I just want role play, and I want fun. You ruined the fun that day by throwing a hissy fit, breaking two rules and disappearing for five minutes.
I want to clarify that I did NOT go out of my own way to ruin your day. Before I was tased, I was ready to roleplay and have some fun as JC's pretend lawyer. I believed that you broke a rule when you tased me for an officer that was standing right in front of you saying that he was punched when I clearly didn't make any sort of aggressive taunt and/or action against him. Now, when I believed that you had broke the rules, I was obviously annoyed, this is because I ALSO wanted to have some fun, but how was I going to have fun believing that you had broke some rules? I wasn't able to.

Just to inform you, I do not believe that all officers are out to piss off civilians, because I've met some nice ones.

To clarify once again, I did not think it was correct that you tased me when I clearly made no aggressive move towards the officer, nor did I see you and think 'Let's annoy this cop and get myself banned'.

I want to clarify that I did NOT go out of my own way to ruin your day. Before I was tased, I was ready to roleplay and have some fun as JC's pretend lawyer. I believed that you broke a rule when you tased me for an officer that was standing right in front of you saying that he was punched when I clearly didn't make any sort of aggressive taunt and/or action against him. Now, when I believed that you had broke the rules, I was obviously annoyed, this is because I ALSO wanted to have some fun, but how was I going to have fun believing that you had broke some rules? I wasn't able to.

Just to inform you, I do not believe that all officers are out to piss off civilians, because I've met some nice ones.

To clarify once again, I did not think it was correct that you tased me when I clearly made no aggressive move towards the officer, nor did I see you and think 'Let's annoy this cop and get myself banned'.
If performing press ups and messing with the numerous amount of animations you can do considered fun roleplay to you then you need to sit down and reconsider what the words "serious roleplay" stands for.

If performing press ups and messing with the numerous amount of animations you can do considered fun roleplay to you then you need to sit down and reconsider what the words "serious roleplay" stands for.
You obviously didn't understand the whole point of me being his lawyer... I was dressed in poor civilian clothes and was being silly in roleplay, what do you think; there are no lawyers that are that bad in real life? I'm pretty sure if you find a random person off the street and pay them to fake one (which was what we quickly changed to), they would be just as bad. By doing different animations I looked even stupider! I wasn't trying to annoy anyone, this is what you're clearly NOT understanding.

You obviously didn't understand the whole point of me being his lawyer... I was dressed in poor civilian clothes and was being silly in roleplay, what do you think; there are no lawyers that are that bad in real life? I'm pretty sure if you find a random person off the street and pay them to fake one (which was what we quickly changed to), they would be just as bad. By doing different animations I looked even stupider! I wasn't trying to annoy anyone, this is what you're clearly NOT understanding.
Oh so you magically appear out of nowhere, he classes you as his lawyer (which FYI was NEVER roleplayed whatsoever that he was chosen off the street and paid to be a fake one so that's bullshit) and you decide that to act as his lawyer you should do silly moves and still act as if you care about him going free? Yeah, no.

The part which you clearly are NOT understanding is the fact that from a lawyer you expect a certain level of professionalism, to which you didn't show, it warranted you being moved out of the HQ IMO, you were also warned about it the first time that if you did that again you would be moved out, but then by that point Bob initiated his role play.

Doing animations in that situation makes it look as if you are trolling, and trolling like that is a waste of our time.

"I'm getting ready for a fight boys" - Best Lawyer 2k14

Unfortunately, you could've decided to continue roleplay as a lawyer if you had the mental capacity to do so. You decided to continue acting a fool and then refused to roleplay at all.

As I stated to you multiple times, I would've dropped the charges on you for the "assault". However due to you deciding to be a prat you had a nice stay in prison.

From my point of view, you can either choose to make an effort and roleplay or do what you displayed in this video, the choice is completely yours.

"I'm getting ready for a fight boys" - Best Lawyer 2k14

Unfortunately, you could've decided to continue roleplay as a lawyer if you had the mental capacity to do so. You decided to continue acting a fool and then refused to roleplay at all.

As I stated to you multiple times, I would've dropped the charges on you for the "assault". However due to you deciding to be a prat you had a nice stay in prison.

From my point of view, you can either choose to make an effort and roleplay or do what you displayed in this video, the choice is completely yours.
Oh so you magically appear out of nowhere, he classes you as his lawyer (which FYI was NEVER roleplayed whatsoever that he was chosen off the street and paid to be a fake one so that's bullshit) and you decide that to act as his lawyer you should do silly moves and still act as if you care about him going free? Yeah, no.

The part which you clearly are NOT understanding is the fact that from a lawyer you expect a certain level of professionalism, to which you didn't show, it warranted you being moved out of the HQ IMO, you were also warned about it the first time that if you did that again you would be moved out, but then by that point Bob initiated his role play.

Doing animations in that situation makes it look as if you are trolling, and trolling like that is a waste of our time.
Let me just tell you again that I was NOT a highly paid lawyer, and that was stated by JC. He also said that I do not look like a highly paid lawyer either. I had to show NO signs of professionalism whatsoever due to me being a shitty lawyer!

Next, you could have EASILY taken me away from the police HQ or asked me to leave if you felt as though I was 'trolling' you, which would have once again resolved the situation. Also, as you said that if I were to do it one more time then I would be tased, I did not do another animation.

DI Bob - I said I was not a good lawyer at all, and if you did feel as thought I was trolling, you could simply asked me to move away. To let you know, I do in fact roleplay, I just did not do it after I was tased in the back for something that never happened.

You're reporting me when you could have easily moved me away from the situation / handcuffed me and escorted me out of the HQ / Or simply realise that I was playing the shittiest lawyer in the world and that was how it was supposed to be...

I did not go into the police HQ not cuffed in a hope that I would get banned or that I would be tased in the back when an officer made a false allegation right in front of another police officer!

Let me just tell you again that I was NOT a highly paid lawyer, and that was stated by JC. He also said that I do not look like a highly paid lawyer either. I had to show NO signs of professionalism whatsoever due to me being a shitty lawyer!

Next, you could have EASILY taken me away from the police HQ or asked me to leave if you felt as though I was 'trolling' you, which would have once again resolved the situation. Also, as you said that if I were to do it one more time then I would be tased, I did not do another animation.

DI Bob - I said I was not a good lawyer at all, and if you did feel as thought I was trolling, you could simply asked me to move away. To let you know, I do in fact roleplay, I just did not do it after I was tased in the back for something that never happened.

You're reporting me when you could have easily moved me away from the situation / handcuffed me and escorted me out of the HQ / Or simply realise that I was playing the shittiest lawyer in the world and that was how it was supposed to be...

I did not go into the police HQ not cuffed in a hope that I would get banned or that I would be tased in the back when an officer made a false allegation right in front of another police officer!
6:46 Press ups.

7:14 another animation.

7:19 the scared animation.

Three animations. I should've removed you there and then. You got lucky.

Oh I know what happens when you tell a lawyer to move away:

"I have the right to be here!"(Repeated until hes allowed)

*Police escorts the lawyer out*

*Suddenly the lawyer has a gun and shoots the officers*

Oh I know what happens when you tell a lawyer to move away:

"I have the right to be here!"(Repeated until hes allowed)

*Police escorts the lawyer out*

*Suddenly the lawyer has a gun and shoots the officers*
I've never done that, and what should have happened is that they should have escorted me to the gate, where they are still in the blue zone so that I am not allowed to shoot them.....

6:46 Press ups.

7:14 another animation.

7:19 the scared animation.

Three animations. I should've removed you there and then. You got lucky.
If you had removed me then, then there would be no report at this point in time... So if you felt as though I was trolling you, you would have saved us all a lot of time by moving me out of the bounds of the HQ

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