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Mining - Generators

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So as of recently this probably has been happening for a while I have noticed people having to bring torches down to the mine because they can't see, so I was thinking of something like a solution to this problem which I have thought out the buffs and de-buffs this may have so let's have a look. (Keep in mind I have no glasses they broke and I am trying to write this with TTS)

I was thinking we could have a generator outside of the mine to power up the inside of the mine, I see lights there but they're never used and I think a generator being outside the mine requiring fuel would be a good feature to add to the mines so we can all see down there.

The light models are already there and I think just to add a glow to them and reflect the glow off of the walls of the mine would be good for people finding their way down instead of running into every prop possible.


Lights up the mine when fuelled up

Adds more use of fuel

Adds more realistic roleplay instead of the lights just staying off all the time.


Make's torches useless in the mines

Can be robbed out of and sabotaged

Chance of breaking down

This is a little suggestion in my eyes but it could make a difference, I wanted to hear everyone's opinion.

I do like the idea of the generator, but it would be more suitable if the lights were infrequent and dim. There are parts of the mine much darker than others. I also reckon coal would be a good 'fuel' to use but it might be resource intensive becuase it would need to run 24/7 like a crafting bench doees, constantly checking with the server to see if it's in the correct state. I'm not a dev, but from my limited knowledge the resources required might make it one of those 'not worth it' cases.

This was implemented not to long ago. Lights atleast.

Thank you for your suggestion!

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