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New repair system - successful repair gives XP?

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Mike Underwood

New member
I would like to propose that a successful repair of a car should give the user additional points into their mechanic level. It seems like a no brainer to me if youre actually fixing the car you also learn something more about it. This would be on top of the experience given to mechanics who are playing tow truck driver and taking NPC cars back to the impound etc. 

If said mechanics wanted to attempt to repair said cars at the road side i think they should also be rewarded additionally perhaps also. 

thanks for voting this one up! 

I would like to propose that a successful repair of a car should give the user additional points into their mechanic level. It seems like a no brainer to me if youre actually fixing the car you also learn something more about it.
This could easily be abused by just buying a lot of repair kits and repairing the same vehicle multiple times.

Cant you set the repair kit to only repair the vehicle when it is less than X% health or not give xp when it has 80% health or whatever the new repair kit "fixed" status is? 

Also why would you want to waste time spending money on 1000s of repair kits just to gain 0.00001 repair skill when you could do jobs and get money as well. Nobody grinds the repair skill for the love of it.... 😄

Cant you set the repair kit to only repair the vehicle when it is less than X% health or not give xp when it has 80% health or whatever the new repair kit "fixed" status is?
There is no fixed status, you can repair vehicles even if they aren't damaged for you as sometimes the vehicle is damaged on someone else's side but not yours which previously prevented you fixing it.

Also why would you want to waste time spending money on 1000s of repair kits just to gain 0.00001 repair skill when you could do jobs and get money as well.
You can say that but there's always one person that'd do stuff like that.

There is no fixed status, you can repair vehicles even if they aren't damaged for you as sometimes the vehicle is damaged on someone else's side but not yours which previously prevented you fixing it.

You can say that but there's always one person that'd do stuff like that.
can you change that then? so that they dont give xp if the repair value is X at the start of the repair? 

On the always one comment.... yes I concur but that person would then be a bit daft. It seems a shame to ruin it for the masses just because there is one person who is dense. 

+1, as has been said by Antrim in the past it makes more sense if you get xp from repairing as this is you learning to repair, but it would need to be implemented in a way to prevent abuse.

Potentially implementing it in a way so every % you repair it by gives you x mechanic level? This wouldn’t make it impossible to abuse however make it much more of a headache to abuse.


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can you change that then? so that they dont give xp if the repair value is X at the start of the repair?
Potentially implementing it in a way so every % you repair it by gives you x mechanic level?

As I said "sometimes the vehicle is damaged on someone else's side but not yours" which means that for you the health would be full whilst for someone else it wouldn't be full so it wouldn't fully be possible to check how damaged it is.

As I said "sometimes the vehicle is damaged on someone else's side but not yours" which means that for you the health would be full whilst for someone else it wouldn't be full so it wouldn't fully be possible to check how damaged it is.
Wasn't aware of the technical limitations mate so cheers for the clarity on that element. 

Is the cars body health value likely to be different for different peoples view points then? 

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