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Roleplay UK

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New to the Island

This seems like such a great community, already spoken with lots of people on the island, and am having lots of fun, trying to learn the art of flying helicopters at the moment, so im sure il be meeting more medics soon too haha

Thanks for the kind welcomes :)

Welcome to our Roleplay Community, have fun and enjoy your stay! <3

if need a loan then hit me up, i can give out loans of max 20milion.

which you can pay me back within 1 month! great deal!

and if you dont pay back within 1 month then i will take everything, including your house dogs even your toillet paper!

if need a loan then hit me up, i can give out loans of max 20milion.

which you can pay me back within 1 month! great deal!

and if you dont pay back within 1 month then i will take everything, including your house dogs even your toillet paper!
Altis Banking Service?

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