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[PLF] Samurai - Uncondoned Attack on HQ

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ive just checked the video of the sniper shot to when plf came to our base and it was 25 minutes between those times and at the time they came into our base we were in the process of putting all our vehicles away and logging off

Blaze, can you upload that video here?

unfortuantly my computer has decided it will randomly delete files so this video is no more so alas i have no proof of the time link between events :(

I see both sides failling in RP & Rules here.

Also there was a problem with PLF not listening carefully what the Admins say.

I will let of both sides this time reminding you to play by the RULES.

We all know this whole PLF vs. UNMC thing is/was a touchy subject and I hope that now that this "war" is over both sides will cool down.

Denied - 09/12/14

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