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Report a player - sam, drex and jaffa wick - Altis Life

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Now, i believe in facts @Kaynnot some story aka heresay. 
The reporting party is resonsible to provide the evidence needed and it states very clearly that the evidence should not be edited.
Both clips i have asked for is edited. Therefor the fall short of this.

The 3 original pieces that is uploaded and available are fine.
The reported party can of course provide in their defence but this is up to them.

So stop jumping to conclusions.

Hello, very sorry for this taking its time but it's been hectic at work since Christmas is quite literally around the corner.

Let’s get to it. I am not going to dive deep into the situation as it is a shitshow. That's me putting it very simply. This event should have never have happened in the first place and there is no place for a RedZone to be dropped no more than 1 km away from Kavala just for an event. We have RedZone's down south for a reason and this was both poorly planned and executed.

This is a situation that could have been easily resolved due to the “messiness” of the situation but it seems like we have passed this point. This is also forcing me to be very strict on this matter.

There is no precedence to be set here other than some rule breaks that need to be addressed. I will start with the people reported, then moving onto people that also broke rules observing and watching the videos. These bans are following the fair ban system and any outbursts, status updates, or inciting drama, in general, will lead to restrictions and in the worst case, bans.


Jaffa Wick
A.1.2: Video that shows inside the church when it starts shows nothing more than a chaotic scene. At this point when both Police, Gangs and Civilians are being shot at I can understand the reaction. The decision here would be to take it as a learning experience as Jaffa and Yoco have talked. I will not go further than a warning.

A4.4: This is a very clear breach of the rule. Getting yourself involved like that before the 5 min is a nogo, especially when it's ongoing. You have kept your nose clean for the past few months, you will get a 24hr ban.


A10.4: I can understand the confusion of it maybe being a Mass RDM, but this was not confirmed by staff or anyone else. Roleplay goes on and the rules should have been followed.

No previous bans within the FBS, a 24hr ban will be placed for this.

A10.5: This claim cannot be proven and will be dismissed.

C2.2: One can clearly see that the animation “stutters” and see the reviving animation for a millisecond. The explanation given is that it could have been roleplayed. There is a time and place for these kinds of roleplay and can be accepted in certain scenarios when it benefits the overall roleplay. You will be very strictly warned about this.

(For everyone reading this, this does not mean it's ACCEPTABLE. It’s a time and place for everything so context will be taken into consideration if a similar report or situation pops up)


C1.8: This claim cannot be proven and will be dismissed.

C6.3: There is a claim, but nothing to really back it up. (No liason recoring) 

C6.3: Whilst the claim has been made, nothing in the video backs this up. If YoCo’s paraphrasing is correct “if someone calls you the n word, i will ban them, i am always on duty" then the real answer is: it depends. Depending on the severity of what needs to be dealt with depends on the level you get yourself involved. If you are engaged in RP it is not recommended that you ban action bans generally, however certain scenarios obviously require that sometimes this is the case. As with all things this is down to the context of the situation that we leave up to the staff member.

A conversation on this will be done and dealt with by the Staff Leads.

A10.5: This claim cannot be proven cause she said something. This is dismissed.

A10.4: No clear evidence of this in any of the footage other than on stream people “becoming” alive. Samantha has confirmed that she did do this. This is a clear rule break.

No history with the FBS, a 24 hr ban will be placed.


Onwards to what has been observed and put alongside the situation and context.


What is an ongoing roleplay situation inside the church Coco walks in, no words spoken?
We hear gunshots outside, people are wondering what's going on before Coco guns down the Police (Jayray and Greywolf) inside the church. What's going outside is a completely different roleplay scenario than what is going on inside. Two different scenarios, all being close to each other, but different.

Based on the context of what’s going on, this is RDM.
The majority of the people inside had no clue of what was going on until people were dead.

Something similar to this:


Coco, you have a history with the FBS, You have two standard rule breaks within 6 months, you will receive a 7-day ban.

Panda Reiti:

A3.3: Joined the server after the gunfight has started and did not wait 15 minutes.
No history with FBS, 24 hr ban will be placed.

After the first shot fell inside that church, everyone became and was a target. The “event” as a shitshow, the actions were shit and the aftermath was, yes you guessed it. A shitshow.

It is very important to remember that we are a community, and it seems to me like that everyone is quite literally out for blood, both in-game and out of the game. I urge everyone to improve themself and to do better. I am very disappointed with a lot of people here and people should be very careful in the future.

Action Taken.

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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