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Report a Player - Sgt. Ghaleb [TL] Pvt. LPskinny [TL] - Poor/Low Quality RP (Action Taken)

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Sgt. Ghaleb [TL] Pvt. LPskinny [TL]

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was doing a Marijuana run by myself. I met a stranger named Matthew.F and had nice small-talk with him.
While processing, another HEMETT shows up. Matthew.F runs to his truck to continue his Marijuana processing and next thing i hear is shooting from a rifle.
I run outside and saw Matthew.F trying to escape with his vehicle and saw Ghaleb chasing his truck and shooting it's tires.
After he shot his tires, he let Matthew.F live. I was trying to make an escape but Ghaleb ran right up to me and started shooting my tires.
At this point, i considered this guy an RDM'r and didn't even bother speaking to him.
After my tires were out, Ghaleb spoke for the first time and all he said was "Get out of the vehicle and put your hands up or i'll shoot you down".
Before this incident occurred, a player named Shaw Wess wrote "Nice. We didn't even engage and you open fire" in sidechannel. We were about 10 people online so perhaps he was referring to Ghaleb as well since i experienced the same thing (Skip to 08:48 to see Shaw Wess typing in sidechannel).
Yesterday, around the same time, we were very few people online and someone complained in sidechannel that Ghaleb had RDM'd them (However i don't have proof of that and i might be mistaken).
It seems to me like Sgt. Ghaleb [TL] enjoys taking advantage of the early mornings and low player-base presented in the early mornings to break some rules. Since it happened yesterday (to someone else) and today to me and Matthew.F and Shaw Wess, this might mean that this is a daily thing for Sgt. Ghaleb [TL]. But i don't know him personally nor do i know anything about [TL].

(03:11) Sgt. Ghaleb[TL] and Pvt. LPskinny [TL] arrived to the Marijuana processing with their HEMETT
(03:30) Sgt. Ghaleb[TL] and Pvt. LPskinny [TL] park and exit their vehicle
(03:50) Shooting begins
(04:25) My tires get shot without any speech
(04:40) Sgt. Ghaleb [TL] speaks for the first time and says "Get out of the vehicle and put your hands up or i'll shoot you down"
(08:48) Showing what Shaw Wess typed in sidechannel before this incident occurred

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


@Ghaleb, I would like to hear your side of this, and that of your friend (as I do not think he has a forum account).

Alright, unfortunately I removed my videos from that particular incdient, but I do remember what happened. So me and my friend were farming weed.... when we get to the weed processor we see 2 boxes, one in the front side and one on the back side. Before I shot the tyre, I said ''stop the vehicle or your tyres will be shot'' So I'm kind of surprised that he didnt hear it. When he then stopped, I said ''If u go out with a weapon I will shoot u, am I clear?'' then he started to shoot and I shot back. Maybe I didnt speak loud enough so he can hear me engage on the tyres.. idk, but because I dont have any evidence of me saying anything or showing my perspective I can not proove anything to you. The only thing I can do at this point is to compensate and apologize for the incident. Also I want to clarify it for u and anyone else reading this report, I'm not taking advantge of any new players on the server, I try to go by the rules as good as I can. If I make a mistake next time please tell me. I'd be more than happy to join you in teamspeak so we can talk about it instead of posting it on the forums, you could have gotten your weed and trucks back if you said something in the side chat. I have to say that I also know what it feels like to be RDM:ed or feeling that you didnt get good RP before a firefight starts so I understand your point of view and what you are getting at. 

About my friend, as you said @Gurlanin he doesnt have an account on the forum, however. He did not have a weapon on him and did not shoot anyone, I was the only armed guy on that place.

At 08:48 me and my friend where still at the weed processor doing our weed. So no, we did not shoot anyone after u guys. 

I just had my friend watch the video again with me and wanted to add this little thing I noticed. Your ingame volume is very high and only when you turned off the enginge could you hear me, could that be the reason why you did not hear me? Because I've never had this problem before tbh.

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08:48 shows me scrolling to old text in sidechannel. It was typed while i was still gathering

08:48 shows me scrolling to old text in sidechannel. It was typed while i was still gathering
Idk man, the part where you start talking about others complaining is not relevant anyway.  Could be anyone from the other 8 players online at that time. But yeah do u have any comment on what I added? 

I just had my friend watch the video again with me and wanted to add this little thing I noticed. Your ingame volume is very high and only when you turned off the enginge could you hear me, could that be the reason why you did not hear me? Because I've never had this problem before tbh.
Maybe I you didnt hear me when I engaged on you tyres because of the loud volym you have, if you think that the volym is not the problem then I can compensat you for what you lost since I dont have my evidence to proove that I did initiate, I dont mind doing that if thats what you want. I hope that you understand my intentions werent to RDM any of u. 

I don't think it's an audio issue as you said because i spoke to 5 people that morning. With 3 of them i spoke while there was a helicopter landed right next to us with the engine left on. We spoke for a few min and all was good.

Also spoke with a guy while gathering and he left his engine on while we were gathering and i heard him 100%.

Regarding you compensating me: i'm not salty or upset about what happened. Heck, i don't even know you at all so none of this is personal.

The only reason i posted this is because this community is supposed to be very high quality and maybe the staff team would have liked to see this. It's fully up to them on what to do. I'm just acting as an evidence folder here.

@Ghaleb Giving you the benefit of the doubt. Let's say you initiated on the first Tempest repair taking exactly what you said ''stop the vehicle or your tyres will be shot''. Now although this would have been in an audible range of Rether at the time the video shows why didn't you initiate separately on the HEMTT, as you opened fire on the second vehicle without interacting with Rether at all. At the (4:20) on wards of the video you should have initiated, as this range is clearly audible on the server even without earplugs in.

This suggests it isn't an audio issue however a fault on your part. And as you don't have any evidence to back you up, i'd like you to be honest with me. As the video only shows you didn't initiate until it was to kill Rether with the term ''If u go out with a weapon I will shoot u, am I clear?'' In your own words. So Are you being honest in your responses Ghaleb? If you are being Honest do you believe your roleplay was at a high standard?

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@Ghaleb Giving you the benefit of the doubt. Let's say you initiated on the first Tempest repair taking exactly what you said ''stop the vehicle or your tyres will be shot''. Now although this would have been in an audible range of Rether at the time the video shows why didn't you initiate separately on the HEMTT, as you opened fire on the second vehicle without interacting with Rether at all. At the (4:20) on wards of the video you should have initiated, as this range is clearly audible on the server even without earplugs in.

This suggests it isn't an audio issue however a fault on your part. And as you don't have any evidence to back you up, i'd like you to be honest with me. As the video only shows you didn't initiate until it was to kill Rether with the term ''If u go out with a weapon I will shoot u, am I clear?'' In your own words. So Are you being honest in your responses Ghaleb? If you are being Honest do you believe your roleplay was at a high standard?
My roleplay wasnt at a very high standard because they tried to drive away, so at that time all I could say is stop and dont go out with a weapon, If I was given a good chance to talk with them I would have given them a nice roleplay (which ppl dont always get) thats how I do, especially with new players on the server as I want to give them a good introduction to the server and this community in general. But on this incdent I failed to do so, which I am very sorry for and wish I could change it. I have no reason to lie, I'm being fully honset, I am sorry for what happened, and as I said before, I did not mean to RDM anyone, I am more than willing to comepnsate Rether as I feel like this is the least thing I can do right now to make up for the mistake I did. Maybe if I still had my videos I would have been able to show you that I am much better roleplayer than this. 

Ghaleb, you've been banned previously for RDM. Looking at your previous report there is only a small amount of difference, this being that you made no valid threat either time. Henceforth the outcome for this report.

As for Pvt. LPskinny I can't see any direct involvement, therefore no action will be taken on him.

Action Taken RDM & Poor/Low Quality Roleplay

Name: Sgt. Ghaleb [TL]

Steam ID: 76561198159097222

GUID: c2532610b60e928aaccbfbc6749d3419

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