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Report a Player - spoof, honey badger,hippo - RDM<br>Poor/Low Quality RP<br>Other

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All right. So after reviewing the evidence I came to the following conclusion.

The evidence is relatively short to begin with but I will run through every bit of it. 

1. The first video is 2:25 minutes long in which an RDM claim is made. However since no additional evidence is provided it's impossible for me to see if any previous roleplay has been given which could change the outcome of this situation. Since you stated that previously you guys had encountered each other as well. However what I can also see from the first bit of evidence and from the video from Spoof is that he attempted to make an initiation however failed to complete it since he walked away finally resulting in the shootout. 

2/3. These screenshots show that at first Drex is able to interact with the building and a good few seconds later is unable too. This indicates that logging out has happened. However no logging out is visible in side-chat. And no timeframes are visible.  

4. This video shows Hippo and Spoof coming back after they have been shot. Clearly indicating that they have broken NLR in this situation (which they admit).

5. In this video I can see that you are unable to access the inventory of the base. However to me it's not visible in the who logs out at what time. And also taken into consideration that the timeframe between you checking is about 1.5 hours (in-game time) after the other 2 came back. And no one from their gang is seen logging out and no other evidence is provided. Take in mind that houses can bug out every now and then and since I cannot see anyone actually logging out and no evidence is provided for this I need to decline that part for lack of evidence. 

Also it has been brought up about an initiation made while on the ground on a helicopter. And video evidence of this has also been included.

In my opinion it's petty to bring this up in the report. From the reactions from you and your gang mates I can clearly hear that you acknowledge what what happening and what the person was saying. I can also clearly hear what Kieran is saying. However Kieran remember that initiating on a helicopter while it's airborne is a risky thing to do since you don't know if the person will hear you due to arma's strange VON system. 

So onto the conclusions:

As said previously to correctly judge a case of RDM I will need a video showing a good few minutes before the start of the situation. Since this isn't provided I need to decline the part of the report claiming RDM. 

However for the NLR part I think there is sufficient evidence to believe that Hippo and Spoof indeed broke the New Life Rule. 

Taking their records into consideration (completely empty records). A warning will be given for the breach of the New Life Rule to both of them.

About the claim of combat logging again to make sure that I will make the right decision and not miss anything. Currently the only evidence for this is a 2 minute video of Kieran and 2 screenshots. Since I don't have an extended video showing the people logging out, you at first being able to entry on the video, timeframes etc. I will have to decline the combat logging part for lack of evidence. 

Individual conclusions.

K I E R A N: Please in the future remember to save all the evidence/tell the person who has the evidence. To provide this when the admin dealing with the report asks for it. Since with a longer video the situation would have been clearer and the chances would be increasingly higher action could be taken against the players. Also be careful with initiating on helicopters as said earlier since the chance is present (not in this occasion) that the person might not hear you. 

Honeybadger: Make sure to be 100% confident that the person you are making threats to hears you making these threats.

[SIZE=1.4rem]Spoof: [/SIZE][SIZE=1.4rem]Warning for breaking the NLR[/SIZE]

Hippo: Warning for breaking the NLR

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Your report has been dealt with, but perhaps not in the way you originally envisaged.

Whether this is beneficial or disadvantageous to you will depend entirely on the situation, and staff will have taken the most-appropriate action in the circumstances.

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