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Report a Player - Theldrax - RDM

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Yuri Zaytsev

Well-known member

Your In-game name

[NKB] Yuri Zaytsev]

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)

What best describes this incident ?

RDM / Poor Roleplay

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was driving away from the garage and I saw a man being robbed. The people robbing the man, told me to keep driving so I decided to stop and investigate. When i stepped out of the vehicle I got shot straight away without and engagement warning. I believe the man that told me to keep driving was also in the green zone when he told me to do so.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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" The people robbing the man, told me to keep driving so I decided to stop and investigate. "

That tells you pretty much what you did wrong. About the green zone, that man ran away from us from outside the zone, so if I am correct and I should be, if you run into the green zone while being robbed or in combat Roleplay, that is against the rules. But let´s forget about that.

After warning you, you come out of the car saying "What the F did you say?" and pointing a gun at me AFTER I told you to keep driving and not get out of that vehicle, now to me, that is initiation.

Now, probably the fault I have was shooting at you from inside the green zone, but in the hype of the event and of course you having a pointed gun at me, I followed my instinct and continued to roleplay. Anyway, up to the admin to decide now.

PS: If you wanted to "investigate" why did you equip your gun at all?

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I was there with Theldrax.

We had an ongoing roleplay with the guy who robbed me of my clothes and ran to the garages, which we were taking back which explains why we were on the edge/inside the greenzone.

Theldrax clearly told you to keep driving and not get out, which you did while saying ''what the fuck did you say!?'' pointing a rifle at him.

I had every chance to shoot you but if I did, It would be classed as RDM.

I see your point here guys, I tried explaining why you are wrong here but I guess you would like to hear it from the admin instead.

" I had every chance to shoot you but if I did, It would be classed as RDM. "

Why equip the gun then? That sounds very illogical.

" I had every chance to shoot you but if I did, It would be classed as RDM. "

Why equip the gun then? That sounds very illogical.
I had my gun equipped because I was prepared for you to imitate(Initiate)* which would lead to engagement. 

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You just clearly stated above that in the green zone you cannot initiate any kind of combat nor robbery. The only reason why we were robbing him inside of the green zone its because he ran from outside of it to the inside, which then allows you to act inside the zone anyway. So why were you breaking the rule of not initiating combat inside a green zone?

Excuse me Birch, but you were not present, so you have no business in this thread.

If a armed man comes running to your car telling you to "keep going", what would your common sense tell you?

He admitted himself that he understood damn well what he was going to face..  " The people robbing the man, told me to keep driving ", his own words.

And the gun was raised for literally not even a second before it was put back down " if a man comes out of a car, armed, I see a gun raised while he says "What the fuck did you say" I take it as a threat, and therefore I shoot him before he shoots me. It seems to be that you are being very impartial on this case, which is probably why you are connected to the reporter in some way. Just admit that it was his fault to initiate such roleplay in a zone where he shouldn´t even aim a gun at someone, unless exceptions.

Decision time!

'' [SIZE=medium](7.1.4) Killing someone must be carried out with high roleplay, put your hands up or i will shoot etc is considered low RP and may lead to a ban for RDM.[/SIZE] ''

So, you are robbing someone, tell him to keep driving, he does not and you think that is quality RP enough to shoot someone? You did not even give him a '' or else ''? And about this whole greenzone matter, I happen to know very well where the greenzone ends and both the robbery and the shooting are outside of it, so that's off the table.

Now, from a realism point of view, getting out with a gun at a live robbery after being told to drive on might not be very smart, his gun is a hell of a lot bigger than yours, so in some way his vigilantism is realistic. The rules however are very clear. Before killing someone, you need to give them good roleplay. Hands up or die is the example used in the rule, but in all honesty ''Keep driving'' and then shoot if he doesn't, that is almost exactly the same to me.

@DainMKis our expert when it comes to the meaning of the rules and how to enfore them. I am summoning you, King of Apples, to give me a second opinion here so a decision can be made!

I'll review this when I return from work. Having looked briefly at the arguments made both sides could have done things better here. You have until 1900 GMT to submit any further statements, after which I shall make my decision.

One question I have @Yuri Zaytsev- what length did you go to try and resolve the issue directly?


I'll review this when I return from work. Having looked briefly at the arguments made both sides could have done things better here. You have until 1900 GMT to submit any further statements, after which I shall make my decision.

One question I have @Yuri Zaytsev- what length did you go to try and resolve the issue directly?

Tried to get him on team speak, waited for about 10-20 minutes.

He said he had some sort of trouble with ts and messaged me in-game.

I calculated the value of my items and asked for a compensation, he offered me back my gun which isn't allowed I am sure but still refused to pay the rest of the damage.

My first Intention was to interfere and maybe help out the guy being robbed.

To do so, I had to get out from my car, show off my big gun and then investigate what is actually happening through some good old RP.

If he was to give me a valid warning i.e If you don't keep driving away you will be shot or If you get out from the car you will be shot then this report wouldn't of even happened.

To me this seemed like a good RP opportunity and I am not one of those people who is up for a straight up gunfight in the middle of town.

After reviewing the footage and statements, I would like to highlight the issues I found.

I told you to keep driving and not get out of that vehicle, now to me, that is initiation.
Firstly you did not tell Yuri to 'not get out the vehicle'. The only initiation you gave was 'keep going'. No threats, ambiguous or explicit, were made against his life. To me this is not initiation. As Khandamir highlighted "(7.1.4) Killing someone must be carried out with a high level of roleplay". I did not see any roleplay that warranted this kill.

Now I do appreciate that Mr. Zaytsev appeared with a very aggressive posture, and maybe could have tuned that level better for the situation, however he did not open fire, and he did not make any threats. If you believe that he was just going to jump out and shoot you, yes, that would be RDM, and a ban would be issued. It does not however allow you to take the rules into your own hands. 

Further to this point, you said

The only reason why we were robbing him inside of the green zone its because he ran from outside of it to the inside, which then allows you to act inside the zone anyway.
The fact you were not in the green zone is beside the point. You cannot break a rule because someone else broke a rule. If he runs into the green zone, tough luck, record, resolve/report. Again, it does not allow you to take the rules into your own hands.

It is fairly clear to me @Theldraxthat you do not have a firm grip on our rules, and on this occasion it appears to have let you down. I will be issuing a ban today for Fail RP/RDM. I suggest you thoroughly read the rules before any attempt to appeal.

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