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Revert Marabunta Turf

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Could you go more in depth on why you are "-1"ing this post? Sorry but feels a bit unprofessional having a Staffmember post unnecessary critique on a suggestion that I don't believe at least affect you at all. 🙂 
Sorry, just finished work and was about to leave for the gym 🙂

You shouldn't be selling drugs outside of a fire station, they could call the police? It makes no sense for you to sell drugs there..

You shouldn't be selling drugs outside of a fire station, they could call the police? It makes no sense for you to sell drugs there..
makes no sense that we have to drive up to a car to sell drugs anyway...

if we want to sell there than we should be allowed to sell there, police get called on us regardless of where we sell so who gives one...

seems like an rp issue to me...

It's good the turf size wasn't halfed then, it was only decreased a very small amount.
I'm assuming you haven't sold on our turf before as this is literally the only place you can make money at without it taking 10 hours to make 100k

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It's good the turf size wasn't halfed then, it was only decreased a very small amount.

It's not on a gang turf... it's next to a gang turf which is a GTA thing
will this be changed during the long awaited crim update or will the fire station be some kind of green zone 

Been a while since I was selling and in TFA but can't you still sell all the way down to TFA area still? I know there used to be an agreement between both, unless it was removed since they can sell elsewhere now

Evolving turf and selling areas would be a realistic thing let's be fair

I asume you can still sell on the bridges, right outside the shop, on the lower freeway?

I would asume the issue is more of a that junction has the most heave traffic flow in that area ?

I'm assuming you haven't sold on our turf before as this is literally the only place you can make money at without it taking 10 hours to make 100k
That's clearly rubbish? Gotta say it sorry but I used to sell on a road in sandy, super quiet strip by the water and I could offload 4000 coke in a evening that's what 3.2mil, that roads closed now the aztek move tho

Sorry, just finished work and was about to leave for the gym 🙂

You shouldn't be selling drugs outside of a fire station, they could call the police? It makes no sense for you to sell drugs there..
so devs had to remove it because you shouldn’t be selling outside a fire station? goes two ways in my opinion, increased risk of police coming down but the amount of money you could earn is worth the risk. It’s an rp issue.

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That's clearly rubbish? Gotta say it sorry but I used to sell on a road in sandy, super quiet strip by the water and I could offload 4000 coke in a evening that's what 3.2mil, that roads closed now the aztek move tho
If you read my response properly you can clearly see it says "our turf", I'm referencing how long it will now take to make money on Mara turf not anywhere else.

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If you read my response properly you can clearly see it says "our turf", I'm referencing how long it will now take to make money on Mara turf not anywhere else.
I'm useing a example of a road that only has 2 lanes and usually only 2/3 cars on it

Mara area is from memory a little bit up the road from the shop and down the road almost to TFA area and you can sell on the highway under the bridge, just saying that's alot of traffic flow areas

It's good the turf size wasn't halfed then, it was only decreased a very small amount.
Halved in size is maybe a reach but it has decreased significantly. We used to have significantly more sellable area towards our old ganghouse north east, but it was cut off due to our new ganghouse and moved more north to where the firestation, so now we are left with a pretty tight space and one main intersection. The rest of the streets get a minimum of traffic. If this is a issue that has been brought up numerous times, why did we get a turf increase two months ago for it to be reverted now? Could it not have been put into consideration then?

I can see the arguments that it doesn't make sense to sell at a firestation. It surely would be a RP issue, they see a crime. They could alert the police. If not, I would want to propose to expand our turf in the opposite way or a different direction going past the firestation. Maybe stretch it a bit towards Mirror Park Blvd, or maybe allow selling at El Burrio Blvd/Jurro Blvd.

Here are some comparisons of how the sellable area was, and how it is now.

Pre "Ganghouse" Update:


Post "Ganghouse" Update:


Post "Fire" Update, aka now:



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This is not something we will be entertaining at this time.

I'll provide a few reasons below:

- 50% is a rather large exaggeration, it was reduced from 250 to 200 to remove the fire station from the range. If it is now too small or it needs moving around (with the original range) to give you a different spot with similar results that can be looked into. please open a ticket explaining what you think would be fair.

- Keep in mind that is isn't only about Marabunta, anyone can sell on a turf and even if an in RP consensus can be reached with Marabunta that doesn't solve the rest of the server.

- The reason it wasn't initially dealt with in RP was because it is not an RP issue, it is a game mechanic issue and hence it has been changed.
If you must find an RP reason for it consider the following, the fire station reopened and locals are afraid to buy drugs in such an public / monitored area for fear of being arrested. A sale needs a seller and a buyer, and in this case there are no more buyers.

- It isn't the first time we have moved or adjusted drug selling ranges, because they were causing issues. Similar changes were necessary for example for the coalition where our initial range which we copied over from all the other gangs, conflicted with a main highway, and it was made smaller as it doesn't make much sense to have the range.

Please keep in mind that we aren't perfect, setting numbers for things like this usually starts with a best guess and if necessary we adjust, like we always do and that is exactly what happened here.

Lastly a small announcement:
The chance of a suggestion being accepted / taken seriously when the suggestion is Revert X is exactly 0.0%. It might not seem like it but we do try and think things through before we make changes, that is generally why things take a lot longer because we have to reach some sort of consensus across a bunch of different people and we try and figure out what the best solution for a problem is and usually it involves pissing of either 49% or 51% of the server and we hope we are on the favorable end A simple, you have failed revert it, will not suffice, if you want to make changes happen generally small incremental improvements are the way to go 🙂

Just to tack onto this as I posted my message Isak also posted his post, more clearly stating some of the issues. I've asked him to further elaborate some things over Teamspeak.

We've had a chat about moving the radius and playing with the ranges a bit to figure out a solution where we don't hit the fire station but still give enough good spots for selling drugs, and we'll trial that over the next few days and play with the ranges to make sure we find something that works for both parties. We will have to do some testing on the live server because this is one of the things we cannot properly test on a development server (local populations is partially dictated by actual player density so we need a reasonably full server)

And maybe just for future reference: This whole thing would have had the exact same outcome if every message before Isak's never happened. I would have asked him for a chat for more info, seen/heard what he presented and come to the same conclusion, all we need is the facts and constructive feedback that is actually aimed at making the server better (and not just your own experience).

After a few years here, it doesn't bother me much. But consider a developer who has recently joined the team (true story from a while back btw), get this type of heat for a small change they make and then (eventually) leave the dev team for it or decide to spend their time elsewhere. Really the only effect it has, is make developers not want to change it (or anything else).

In the end the developers are usually just as frustrated as everybody else when a solution doesn't please as many people as possible, so please help us fix it.


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