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rework ghost peeking mechanic

tommy scalleta

Active member
I understand and appreciate the ghost peaking mechanic but it needs a rework as a lot off the time most angles your shooting at you can be shot and your gun is clearly visible but you cannot shoot this happens a lot on roofs, i have even had it where im getting shot but i cant shoot due to the mechanic, this also happens if your too close to a wall. I understand the need for the mechanic but in my opinion it needs a rework.

a lot of the time most angles your shooting at you can be shot and your gun is clearly visible but you cannot shoot this happens a lot on roofs
As I've said a few times before, it works by checking if there is something in the way between where your gun is and where the bullet would go to reach where you are aiming at. So noting you are being blocked there'd be something in the way for you which isn't in the way for the person shooting at you.

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