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RPUK Paintball Premier League (PPL)


229 Turf


A 5-a-side paintball league! Gangs and groups/factions battle it out weekly in a friendly and competitive environment! (chance for gangs and police to shoot each other without real guns whilst still feeding their egos 😉) 

I'm sure this idea has come across peoples minds before, so thought I would make a quick suggestion on this. We all love events, but sometimes having those one off events and then not having one for a while can be annoying. With this idea, it would be a weekly event everyone can attend and it be an ongoing thing people can look forward to. 

I believe having something like this can create so much RP for people, and not just for the people competing either. For example, people could set up illegal bookies and take match bets on the games, someone or a group could be in charge of keeping and renting out the paintball gear for the weekly matches, commentators, pundits, interviewers, referees, the list goes on. 

There are a lot of places around the city for the matches to take place at, and every week the venue could change. One week it could be at a gang turf, the next week it could be at the power plant, the following week it could be held at the airport, then at humane labs etc. 

At each venue/map, the addition of an advert board that are already in the city could be placed there so it can display the league table and be updated every week after the games. Paintball gear would only be rented out and must be returned after the game has finished, this is to prevent anyone getting hold of the equipment. Example, like 5-a-side football each person pays a sub (pay to be part of the team) and that money then goes to the people in charge of the gear so they are paid for the rentals. Each team would also pay a one time 'buy in' fee to be part of the league, this money will then go towards the prize pool at the end of the season. 

There could also be more than one league, so you could have the pressure of promotion/relegation from the leagues. Gangs could have A and B teams, Police could have a firearms team, CID team, RPU team. Would also like to add that the teams I have put into the table are just examples, others would also be able to join. Having people turn up every week on a set day, at a set time, is always going to be difficult. So, as long as the person participating in the team is part of the F6 or known to be part of the group, then they are allowed to play. 

A lot of work would have to go into implementing something like this into the server, but I do strongly believe this could bring so much RP to people, and it would be something I think everyone could look forward to taking part in on a weekly basis. 

Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this, and any additional ideas people have, or if you hate the idea (sorry if this has been suggested before). Also I would like to add that the table is just an example, don't be annoyed with the placings 🙂 

I do like this suggestion and have looked into the possibility of this before although some things have usually got in my way and for transparency I will share them. The first issue is the weapons, there is currently a lack of quality models for paintball guns and also to make these into functioning paintball guns is alot of work (changing the way the damage works / what projectiles it shoots). In addition to this, we would also need new systems in place to track who had been hit, and how that system would work. Would you get "downed", would you teleport back to the spawn/spectate area depending on gamemode? Finally in order for this to not be a constant strain on the development team it would need to be able to be automated, this would mean having it in the same place, maybe with rotating interiors (EG the Arena From GTAO) (That has its own issues with its placement although that may be resolvable). I do really like this idea, although I think It needs to be though through from a game design perspective due to the possible issues it will cause. 

TL;DR : There are alot of potential issues with this, I love the idea although it seems unlikely to happen unless we are able to find the time to think out every possible detail of the feature and sadly there are alot more pressing features / bugs. Ill leave this suggestion open incase someone wants to add any more detail (Unlikely as I understand there is a "detailed" high level explanation in the original post, I just mean more of a game design perspective. Goodluck 😉 )

I do like this suggestion and have looked into the possibility of this before although some things have usually got in my way and for transparency I will share them. The first issue is the weapons, there is currently a lack of quality models for paintball guns and also to make these into functioning paintball guns is alot of work (changing the way the damage works / what projectiles it shoots). In addition to this, we would also need new systems in place to track who had been hit, and how that system would work. Would you get "downed", would you teleport back to the spawn/spectate area depending on gamemode? Finally in order for this to not be a constant strain on the development team it would need to be able to be automated, this would mean having it in the same place, maybe with rotating interiors (EG the Arena From GTAO) (That has its own issues with its placement although that may be resolvable). I do really like this idea, although I think It needs to be though through from a game design perspective due to the possible issues it will cause. 

TL;DR : There are alot of potential issues with this, I love the idea although it seems unlikely to happen unless we are able to find the time to think out every possible detail of the feature and sadly there are alot more pressing features / bugs. Ill leave this suggestion open incase someone wants to add any more detail (Unlikely as I understand there is a "detailed" high level explanation in the original post, I just mean more of a game design perspective. Goodluck 😉 )
I did have a think about the certain game modes and rules, and I think the easiest way to do it would be like 'search & destroy' type game. Like normal paintball, it would be one hit, you get downed, you're out. Making the paintball guns in the server a one hit and having people get downed from it could cause a few issues and potentially a bit of a nightmare for staff. There would have to be a way to properly regulate the paintball guns, otherwise people could abuse the feature of a one hit and downing someone by just carrying one around all the time to shoot people who they have 'beef' with. This would most likely fall under an exploit of some kind, but a lot of trust from staff would have to go into the players to not use them in such a fashion. Also, having them be a one hit and downing someone would mean NHS have to be present at every event. NHS already have enough strain on them in the server so asking them to be available for a whole event at certain times isn't really fair on them. An alternative for being revived would be having an area within the paintball map/arena where downed players can be carried and 'check in' to an NPC medic where they are then revived like a normal hospital. But again this could cause a few problems by people abusing this feature and going there to just get a revive when injured outside of the paintball games. 

From a developer point of view, I understand it would be a ton of work for you guys to get this implemented and a lot of trial and error to setup, and as you mentioned, the lack of models available doesn't help either. I believe having one arena/map would be completely fine and would also be less work, having the area constantly change I could also see causing a lot of issues. Then there is the issues of people abusing certain features which would have to be brought in for the actual paintball games to happen. Overall I would love for this to be implemented, but there is also a ton to think about like you said from a game design perspective. I will have a look into a bit more and give as much details/ideas/links etc as possible to help with this idea, as I believe this is something a lot of people on the server would enjoy. 
