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twas' a very, very good night, credit where credit is due!

Shall hopefully be making a nice little video with some of the things I got recorded, once again, great night guys!

Please don't bring any weapons, It's a party not a bank job we're all in it to have a good time...

Sorry on behalf of the police force  that the raid wasn't enjoyable for everyone. Personaly I tried to RP with who I could but the background noise, De-sync e.t.c made it quite hard to do so, just as we had the idea to bring it around with a dance off that I was taking part in, someone decided to ruin it for the whole community by DDOSing.

A bit of Sandstorm. The rave looked amazing from outside.

The police raid to Tarantula:

Ill get the dance off on there tomorrow.

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Please don't bring any weapons, It's a party not a bank job we're all in it to have a good time...

Sorry on behalf of the police force  that the raid wasn't enjoyable for everyone. Personaly I tried to RP with who I could but the background noise, De-sync e.t.c made it quite hard to do so, just as we had the idea to bring it around with a dance off that I was taking part in, someone decided to ruin it for the whole community by DDOSing.
The raid was cool man, just needed a bit more fun like handcuff everyone and drag them into the rave and start the rave back up or maybe make them watch a dance off between fung and the officer for the right to party etc.

Just felt a bit like a police training excercise at times - lacked purpose but it still added to the experience and enjoyment IMO.

The scattering on your arrival was pretty epic.

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Please don't bring any weapons, It's a party not a bank job we're all in it to have a good time...

Sorry on behalf of the police force  that the raid wasn't enjoyable for everyone. Personaly I tried to RP with who I could but the background noise, De-sync e.t.c made it quite hard to do so, just as we had the idea to bring it around with a dance off that I was taking part in, someone decided to ruin it for the whole community by DDOSing.
We all had great fun.

Personally I feel it would have been a bit better if the police had raided us later on as the dance battles were just about to begin, although I understand that sitting waiting around to raid us would be immensely boring. That said though, given the more creative setting than usual, I think everyone including the police would agree with me in saying that the raid should not have been the run in the mill "processing" of a bunch of criminals.

A police vs civ dance battle straight off the bat would have been much more enjoyable, and its a shame the police took the easy way out by restraining us, lining us up, searching us, explaining that we have three chances to pay a ticket - and then say that once we're all processed we can carry on the party. The buzz had already been brutally killed as soon as we were restrained and lined up, I don't think it would have been worth carrying on and the raid would have been the end anyway.

I feel it was a missed opportunity for us all, taking that route was a bad decision and I don't understand if it was done because the police actually find that fun? (but arguably, it would have been more fun to have got involved and joined in on the experience) It's becoming widely acclaimed that its box standard and stale.

Don't get me wrong though - I'm not pissed off, I'm just trying to think aloud and give some feedback. I understand that its hard to RP when there is so much background noise and desync, but the only reason that was an issue was because the police put themselves in that position; it could and should have taken a different route entirely. 

Big thanks to everybody that attended, the Ambassador of Funk won round one of the dance off fair and square - better luck next time @Benedict Cumberbatch  ;)

next time we'll use spotify rather than youtube  :ph34r:  

It was a lot of fun, a huge thank you to those who came and helped populate the event, a big thanks to @Ciaran and @Wilco for helping us get it all up and running and a special thanks to @Vladic Ka for streaming it and capturing these epic highlights! Props should go out to @Chris Robinson for coming up with the idea in the first place and putting in a lot of time and effort planning everything out.

Hope you all had fun and we hope to see you at our next event....whatever it might be! ;)

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Really the only negative was the DDOS the raid may have gone on a bit too long and maybe some missed oppertunites but Tampax had started a dance off and would only have grown from there.

We all had great fun.

Personally I feel it would have been a bit better if the police had raided us later on as the dance battles were just about to begin, although I understand that sitting waiting around to raid us would be immensely boring. That said though, given the more creative setting than usual, I think everyone including the police would agree with me in saying that the raid should not have been the run in the mill "processing" of a bunch of criminals.

A police vs civ dance battle straight off the bat would have been much more enjoyable, and its a shame the police took the easy way out by restraining us, lining us up, searching us, explaining that we have three chances to pay a ticket - and then say that once we're all processed we can carry on the party. The buzz had already been brutally killed as soon as we were restrained and lined up, I don't think it would have been worth carrying on and the raid would have been the end anyway.

I feel it was a missed opportunity for us all, taking that route was a bad decision and I don't understand if it was done because the police actually find that fun? (but arguably, it would have been more fun to have got involved and joined in on the experience) It's becoming widely acclaimed that its box standard and stale.

Don't get me wrong though - I'm not pissed off, I'm just trying to think aloud and give some feedback. I understand that its hard to RP when there is so much background noise and desync, but the only reason that was an issue was because the police put themselves in that position; it could and should have taken a different route entirely. 

Big thanks to everybody that attended, the Ambassador of Funk won round one of the dance off fair and square - better luck next time @Benedict Cumberbatch  ;)

next time we'll use spotify rather than youtube  :ph34r:  
Completely agree with everything Chris said and would just like to thank Chris himself and all the admins for setting this up and policing it. 

It did end rather disappointingly, whether it was the Police raid going in the wrong direction, people making a big fuss or the server/TS crashing doesn't matter as the hours beforehand were such a blast it was definitely worth it. 

10/10 would rave again.

P.S I won a dance-off bitches!

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As I was part of the raid, I did feel it could have been a little more light-hearted. But at the same time, i don't think any of us expected to be fired at or killed when we executed the raid, and the fact people with pistols were everywhere and we were in fact shot at kinda led to the whole restraining thing I think.

Nevertheless, it seemed you guys had great fun whilst I was lying in a bush freezing my ass off for almost an hour outside ;)

As I was part of the raid, I did feel it could have been a little more light-hearted. But at the same time, i don't think any of us expected to be fired at or killed when we executed the raid, and the fact people with pistols were everywhere and we were in fact shot at kinda led to the whole restraining thing I think.

Nevertheless, it seemed you guys had great fun whilst I was lying in a bush freezing my ass off for almost an hour outside ;)
Yeah I didn't expect any attendees to open fire on the police - there was a slight mix up on the location which lead to the event being held at the marmite base instead of an abandoned warehouse near the VIP store; the oversight of course was that there is a rebel vendor right there for everyone to use. It became a necessary evil though I suppose as it did stop people from starving and allowed people to buy some flares for their starter pistols.

As I was part of the raid, I did feel it could have been a little more light-hearted. But at the same time, i don't think any of us expected to be fired at or killed when we executed the raid, and the fact people with pistols were everywhere and we were in fact shot at kinda led to the whole restraining thing I think.

Nevertheless, it seemed you guys had great fun whilst I was lying in a bush freezing my ass off for almost an hour outside ;)
Most of us prefer handguns to dance with as binos don't let you pull of certain moves (i'm a pro dancer now :p ) as for the people that shot you/at you - that's unfortunately a bi-product of having 40 odd people gathered together on a game that was designed to be people shooting other people. They were nothing to do with us and quite frankly I can only apologise for their actions as it was at our base/our event and we never intended for people to get hurt.

The way some of you were spoken to (i'll admit I was quite short with you guys, possibly because I was having so much fun and felt maybe it was being ruined, I don't know.) was also quite poor and I apologise for that as well. I'd like to point out after Chris came up with the idea we've all been brainstorming/planning for 2 weeks and we were so hyped for this, to feel as though it's going tits up is not nice and may of led to some of the hostility. I feel sorry for you guys as you had a hard job to do there trying to restrain and roleplay with so many people but I feel as though it was un-necessary under the circumstances. There had been 'undercover' Police from the get-go and I don't think any of them had an issue, there was a few small incidents (which were very minor) so I felt the way we were treated was slightly harsher than necessary.

It's in no way a pop at the Police as I have no problem with you guys. Once again I had a laugh and just hope everyone else did and I sincerly believe that nobody is to blame.



I love being restrained for 20 minutes and not having a single word spoken too me!!

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No shoutout to the event medical team of one that kept y'all alive? Damn xD

Was a great event, shame about that DDoS.
