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Shalloa's gear

Glad you took my tips and got the 960 instead of the 750ti! Great choice, the i7-4770 will suit you well a great CPU. If you want to spend 20-30 pounds more I'd suggest getting a retail cpu aircooler, as the one coming with i7 is "OK" but shite tbh


i got the 4790 but its not the 'overclock' version.

I have ben told that the 4ghz is build out pf overclocking the 'standerd'

i belive this to be a great computer. :D thb.. would it make much diffrence the 3.4 or 4ghz?


i got the 4790 but its not the 'overclock' version.

I have ben told that the 4ghz is build out pf overclocking the 'standerd'

i belive this to be a great computer. :D thb.. would it make much diffrence the 3.4 or 4ghz?
It would to be honest make a difference yes, but it's your own choice :)

oke i did not know it would. I thougt 0.7 ghz wassent that much.

A well i am happy that i can get 'rid' of the i3 2.5 :p

with some luck i have it all running on sunday :D

Well done man! It would only make a small difference anyway! Your computer should be good to run arma! Tell me the fps you get ;) cause mine is shit with AMD :(  

Thnx Farmer. Will do bro!

Or better yet.

im going to stream my game when everthing is installed.

You can watch my checking the FPS haha ;)

Double the RAM if you're editing vids etc too
8gb ram is more than enough when he needs it for gaming.. you only need more if you have the money for it (and willing to spend them) so I think he's good, it's a great build though and will last him for a good couple of years with even new games on standard/high resolutions.

@Farmer Giles


Working on it. :D

Had my desk all pretty and stuff. Desided to walk the dog. When i got back Ms.Shalloa found some stuff i needed to clean so instead of giving it to my she put it on my desk..

