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The new economy

whilst building your own tools does sound cool, it be put in suggestions.... But Tanoa isn't militarized... they're currently armed with tasers and rubber balls... I don't believe AR has had any call-outs yet

@Spunky Bumlove @CSI Xsum @
As far as I'm aware, no AR call outs as of yet. The only reason I know of that civillians are getting our guns is because of 1) RTU style driving 2) Lock picking/Stealing Police cars with them in.

As far as I'm aware, no AR call outs as of yet. The only reason I know of that civillians are getting our guns is because of 1) RTU style driving 2) Lock picking/Stealing Police cars with them in.
Mostly happens is when you are in your car about to lock it but they acces right before you lock it so they then take it and leg it

whilst building your own tools does sound cool, it be put in suggestions.... But Tanoa isn't militarized... they're currently armed with tasers and rubber balls... I don't believe AR has had any call-outs yet

@Spunky Bumlove @CSI Xsum @
Well I had written up a long drawn out apology, but the website decided it needed some matinence right as I finished so I'll just to say sorry for being a lil pain in the ass earlier. Having put so much work into something and have others critique it isnt an ez thing to do.

Thank-you for the words on the economy, both sides have some arguments that can be valid.

Levels are introduced to make people WORK for a living, we don't have fantasy prices, and you dont all have drugs in your attics... it's life online...

Yes, its slow, and somethings are a bit harshly priced or weighed, but we'll be working on these things based on GENUINE feedback... "fk that i'm staying on altis" sounds more like "i'd rather make a million off a weedrun and shoot some cops"...

on this, if you do drugs, you need to be sneaky about it.... you're not John Rambo with access to a million guns...

As time progresses and people get money, gangs will start to cause some havoc on the islands like a natural progression... they may win a fight, and lose the next, and the loss will be a massive hit to them.... a £207,000 hmmt box getting scrapped is going to hurt! and the fact that they need to have unlocked it in the first place...

Police will be able to set up a checkpoint without a rain of bullets after 5 minutes.... Roleplay increased ALOT, Gunplay still exists but on a more realistic style... 

Police's fines and tickets were nerfed, and then divided by 10 after me and drew spoke to the CSI's prior to release, if you play along with the police, you get rewarded, if you sit there oinking, its going to hurt....

So yeah, maybe you feel like you want a gun fight, work for it.... role play.... and earn it like a real man (or woman)
I know what your saying here, but i still feel at this time that as a rebel you are just screwed there are hardly any roads that go straight true the woods when you moving illigal cargo police can setup roadblocks and just check your vehicle, i feel like this is a more PRO cop server then a balanced server.
u have to work with alot of people let 1 person sell/process it, put money together and buy trucks etc.
then you have the money for a truck you do 1 thing illigal al your 100 of hours working for a few levels gone to !@# because "karma" and you lose XP, (because if u do anything illigal in real life some random dude comes and says karma and hits u upside your head with his fists and takes you XP away because every one can see u did something illigal)
Now i dont mind this if the game would be a bit nicer to the working man , We did alot of runs today in boxed trucks and my mate who we all gave our items too processed it and sold it, he got 1% XP per item. and i also dont mind losing a bit of XP by doing serious ILLIGAL things like murdering cop (lose 10% of your level or something), but losing like 4 levels i did when i first was in the server levelt to 4 then did froglegs LSD and poef KARMA and i lost it all.

My Suggestions.
Decrease lvl requirements  for like boxed trucks and stuff (or give more XP) (lvl 60 for a carryall well "yeah" lets just keep it at that)
Earn more money.
Fix the Karma system.

Dont get me wrong i have been a RP uk player for wel over 2 years now back from the days in UGN
I love the server i love what you guys trying to achieve in Tanoa i know its more about RP then about killing and stuff
But i still feel Tanoa life is pro cop and as rebels you are just basicly screwed because of all the requirements for gear and trucks there are hardly any sneaky roads  and it will be close to impossibruu  to sneak around the jungle with a hemmt boxed :p
But it should stil be a game not a hardcore Sim of our daily boring lifes working hard making just enough to get by and save a bit.

i will stil be playing on a daily basis and i know things will get sorted out and become fair to everyone!
lets face it i preffer the Tanoa server over altis because in Altis  you just go there get guns and shoot everyone that annoys you
and i really like it that Tanoa is not like that! but in this way its not FAIR for any one who wants more RP but still be a rebel without
getting punished so hard for being a rebel that it just ruines the game !!!


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From what I have seen is that the player count is suffering largely due to the fact its too grindy, people should be able to join for a few hours and feel they can RP and get something accomplished without feeling obliged to grind for the whole duration. I agree that it shouldn't be as easy as Altis, but it has come to the point where Tanoa suffers with fun. It has come to the point where large portions of the police have left Tanoa just because they can't find anyone to roleplay with as everyone is too busy grinding.

From the general consensus that I have heard from cops and civilians on teamspeak and in game, is that the level system is too strict, as well as this the economy is unforgiving with time it takes a long time to get money, which isn't bad, but it takes too long to do something to get too small a pay in the end. While @Neois working wonderfully on the economy with balancing, I feel that the economy can only go so far without the xp system kicking up some trouble. While it is great that people cant join, do a couple runs and get a gun, I feel that it is too restrictive in what people can do. Especially with civilians being so reliant on xp, every time they do something illegal they lose not just a bit but whole levels for something which doesn't pay back what xp they lost in money.

Solutions for fixing:

lower xp boundries, the economy doesn't need to change drastically, but if the level xp boundaries where lower, people would a) feel more accomplished with what they do, and b) be able to relax every now and then, knowing that they can sit in George Town (or wherever) and roleplay without feeling they are wasting time.

Small Text: This is just what I understand from the ample posts and conversations I've had

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From what I have seen is that the player count is suffering largely due to the fact its too grindy, people should be able to join for a few hours and feel they can RP and get something accomplished without feeling obliged to grind for the whole duration. I agree that it shouldn't be as easy as Altis, but it has come to the point where Tanoa suffers with fun. It has come to the point where large portions of the police have left Tanoa just because they can't find anyone to roleplay with as everyone is too busy grinding.

From the general consensus that I have heard from cops and civilians on teamspeak and in game, is that the level system is too strict, as well as this the economy is unforgiving with time it takes a long time to get money, which isn't bad, but it takes too long to do something to get too small a pay in the end. While Neo is working wonderfully on the economy with balancing, I feel that the economy can only go so far without the xp system kicking up some trouble. While it is great that people cant join, do a couple runs and get a gun, I feel that it is too restrictive in what people can do. Especially with civilians being so reliant on xp, every time they do something illegal they lose not just a bit but whole levels for something which doesn't pay back what xp they lost in money.

Solutions for fixing:

lower xp boundries, the economy doesn't need to change drastically, but if the level xp boundaries where lower, people would a) feel more accomplished with what they do, and b) be able to relax every now and then, knowing that they can sit in George Town (or wherever) and roleplay without feeling they are wasting time.

Small Text: This is just what I understand from the ample posts and conversations I've had

Well said, well said.
