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There is no spoiler.

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Steam ID: 76561199441570153

Character ID: 411

When did this happen: 08/24/23

Summary: There is no spoiler.

Full Description:
The Jaguar C-X75 is meant to have a retractable spoiler, when the car is stopped the spoiler should go down and when its moving it should go up. But in this case there isn't any type a spoiler, in the clip you can see that the car is actually missing the whole Pannal. I tried putting on a bodykit but it did not do anything, I also parked the car as you can see in the clip and that also did not do anything about the situation.

Images / Video's

Sorry, either we've been unable to reproduce this bug with enough detail, or its not been considered a bug.
Nevertheless, we appreciate your efforts, please do not be discouraged in submitting new bug reports going forward.​


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