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Unban Appeal - ann frank0121 - GTA RP

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ann frank0121

New member
Unban Appeal for ann frank0121 

In-game Name: jayjay smithers

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198878247264

Ban ID: i dont see a ban id maybe im being dumb

Reason given for your ban: c2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: im not sure 100% maybe for typing in ooc asking for a medic or what i was typing in the discord im not actually sure the rule broke is roleplay everything so i dunno id like to talk with a member of staff if possible.

Why should we unban you ?: i enjoy roleplaying here me and my friend have just started back up and for it to be cut short already would suck. i dont feel like i broke a major rule although i could be wrong if i could be told what i did i wont do it again

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes


ban id

Hello @ann frank0121

First off i would start by looking over the rules and actually seeing what the rule is you have broken is.
Linked here: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/community-rules/

 The rule you have broken (C2.3) currently has a cooldown of 1 month before your able to appeal it.
When you reappeal i would try to put in as much detail as possible.

Reappeal on the 20/03/2023

Bans of this type come with a mandatory cooldown of 1 month. 

Because this appeal has been submitted prior to 1 month passing of the ban being placed, this appeal will be denied. We welcome you to complete a new appeal after the 1 month has expired.


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