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UNMC abusing their power?

Kha Zingo

Well-known member
The Netherlands
Alright so I wanted to go to the black market, got my orca out and stopped at the UNMC checkpoint to pay taxes. One guy called me a hobo and I told him: "My designer clothing is probably more expensive than ur military clothing". Because of this they restrained me and made me apologize, which I did like 10 times. They told me to drop everything and I did. After that they executed me. ( Abusing their power ). 10 Minutes later I received the message: Your orca has been sold to the scrap dealer. Are they actually allowed to do this?

What unfair power did they use here? Any gang could have done the exact same thing...

Aren't whitelisted rebels supposed to do better? + Isn't killing an unarmed man for saying his clothing is more expensive somewhat extreme? And if someone complies with everything they tell you to do and kill him afterwards while he's no treat allowed?

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Killing someone that complies to commands is RDM, but I don't really know what happend so I can't say if it was RDM in this particular case. I would in any case call it shit RP though.

Ive had this before. Serious attitude and no respect. Plus big big ego thinking they are god. Ive yet to have an "enjoyable" rp experience with them. And ive been here for a couple months now..

Ive had this before. Serious attitude and no respect. Plus big big ego thinking they are god. Ive yet to have an "enjoyable" rp experience with them. And ive been here for a couple months now..
The attitude and lack of respect is just there RP in general. The whole executing you after you complied and apologised is pretty shitty if it did happen...

The moment you leave the UK expect UK laws to end.

Welcome to the UNMC zone i guess!

Well, if that's allowed, RDM is allowed as well inside the UNMC territory I guess?

Well, if that's allowed, RDM is allowed as well inside the UNMC territory I guess?
No. Likely the manner in which you were speaking lead to your death btw. I wasn't there though so I won't speculate further.

Also to paraphrase Wilco we are meant to be North Korea essentially.

Hey you want to play barbie..stay in the UK then :p sorry to say the UNMC zone aint all fun and games, its a mean and nasty place... it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. 

Nice quote, we didn't really say anything offensive, it was more some kind of a joke and I even begged for my life. But if someone tells me he thinks his outfit or whatever is better than mine I'm actually allowed to humiliate then kill him and chop shop his vehicle? Or do the UNMC only have the authority to do so because they're whitelisted? My friend has a video but he didn't upload it yet. @puppy1004

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I agree with Wilco. Mate when you enter the checkpoint you better know how to behave,I was the one who shot you because you insulted my captain. Plus that was not breaking any rule we role played with you for 10 mins before we killed you...

Alright, so for the record, you are actually allowed to shoot everyone who insults you with minor things if you roleplay with them for 10 minutes? Even if they comply with everything you say?

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My point is once you enter the UNMC checkpoint dosent matter how small the insult is we will take it to consideration and it keep in mind that it is a                    MILITARY CHECKPOINT YOU DONT FUCK AROUND OR IN IT                       If we feel like you insulting doing inappropriate stuff in our lands it is up to us on how we will punish you so in that case i can not take anyone insulting (dosent matter the insult) my Captain i will do what i feel like i need to do so next time i think you should learn how to behave in a military checkpoint we are not soft as the UK part of the island bud...

Alright, so for the record, you are actually allowed to shoot everyone who insults you with minor things if you roleplay with them for 10 minutes? Even if they comply with everything you say?
You may shoot anyone for anything. "Role-play" is the key here.

I honestly doubt @Wilco has the time, or sanity for that matter, to sit down and write what you may shoot, and what you may not shoot for. Example:

  • Example 1: "You may shoot anyone that wears a pizza slice for a hat."
  • Counterexample 1: "You may not shoot anyone that wears a pizza slice with pepperoni on it - not even if they wear it for a hat."
Do you see where I'm going with this? There is no definitive rules for what you may, and may not shoot for. If whoever you spoke to deemed it necessary to take your life, then they role-played with you and thus RDM - otherwise known as Random Death Match - is not involved. Pay special attention to the "Random", please.

So where am I going with this?  Well, let me attempt to explain it to you:

"Role-play" and "RDM" counter eachother. Think of them like two south poles - they won't work together. If "role-playing" is involved, "RDM" is not.

In conclusion: No - the UNMC did not abuse their powers. They role-played with you. Perhaps the outcome wasn't to your liking, but that is not our problem.

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If you come into my check point with any kind of attitude il wooop your ass into shape(By any means) 

 Or do the UNMC only have the authority to do so because they're whitelisted? 
No we have it because  where powerful and organized. No one said we where nice. We were  sent here to get a job done not to make pen pals. Please if you want to know why we have control of it .... try take it over :p

Doesn't that still defeat the purpose? even if you're UNMC? If because I'm in a gang and some guy is rude and I tell him to drop his stuff and he co-operates I'm still allowed to kill him?

Kind of shitty RP.

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