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UNMC Documentary


Well-known member
Falmouth, Cornwall, UK
Hello Everybody, 

Im a little bored at the moment, and have had this idea for a little while, im going to be making a documentary about the UNMC, our lands, the people who fight for it, the leaders and the people who are against it. Im going to spend quite a bit of time on this. (It will not be biased towards the UNMC or cops etc, just a general look on their life and the land and what people think.) I will be hoping to do interviews with Civs, Police, NHS and various gang members. Please message me if you are member of these listed groups and want an interview:




If you are not in one of those groups dont worry, you may still get your time to shine, just leave a comment below if you want an interview and ill try and get round to you if possible. 

I hope everyone helps me with this, as i think it could make quite the feature. 

Thank you,

Shay x

We are interested!

CMO Norman

[TCK] Norman

I'd love to be interviewed, from the eyes of the police that is :)

~SGT Nomad of Kavala Constabulary
