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Unban Appeal - Owen_Unbannn - GTA RP

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United Kingdom

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Owen Readshaw
Steam ID: 76561199151185947
Ban ID (just the numbers): 9514
Ban Reason: C1.6
Why do you think you were banned: I engaged in toxic behavior within the group Vagos where I maliciously attacked a staff member with immature and toxic remarks made towards them. I was being immature and toxic and I’m very embarrassed looking back at my actions. The words that I said should never have been said and I rightfully held a C1.6 for what I did.
Why should we unban you: Firstly I would like to attach my previous appeals.

All my previous appeals were denied and I was told you were not ready to accept me back. I’ve taken extra time away since my last appeal and waited around 8 months before submitting another unban appeal. I understand how even considering taking me back is a difficult decision and the impact my actions had has probably made it difficult for the staff team to ever trust me to hold a place in the community again but I’d love the chance to show you I can be a positive member of this community. As I have in previous appeals I would like to once again offer the most sincere apology to Stavik. I have previously tried to contact you on the forums via DMs on a different account and I hope you’ve had the chance to read it. The words I said to you were serious allegations and not something that should be used so casually. With my extended period away from the server I’ve come to understand this more and more and feel I have matured a lot in my time away from the server.

I am fully aware of the reasoning behind my ban and I’m not trying to make excuses for my actions as they were my own words and my own decisions. I feel certain factors affected my decision making and I had fallen into the wrong crowd and got involved in a toxic group that caused a lot of issues on the server. I would like to clarify that I have absolutely zero involvement with these people anymore and are not people that I want to involve myself with. I’d also like to clarify that I had nothing to do with the video and found it disgusting and disturbing. If staff have any questions they’d like to ask me about my time in Vagos I will be willing to hear them out and answer openly and honestly as I have nothing to hide.

Over the past year and a half I have thought about my actions a lot and I can assure you that I have changed. I was the newest member of Vagos at the time and fingers were being pointed at me for being the “rat” and I made the stupid decision to say the things I did in order to try prove that I wasn’t. This was a misjudgment and the complete wrong approach on my end, I should have realized the sort of group I was in and removed myself from it but instead I decided to be a sheep and did something that I regret to this day. I was scared of being removed from Vagos at the time and acted out in order to “fit in” as some would describe it. Again I’d like to deeply apologize for this and if given the opportunity to return I would be very careful with the sort of people I surround myself with. My actions back then aren’t a true reflection of myself and I hope you will give me a chance to prove this to you, I am deeply disappointed in myself for portraying myself as the way I did.

Whilst on the server I feel like I kept a rather clean record other than obviously my abrupt ending. I hope this goes to show that this one outburst doesn’t represent me as a person and to how I can portray myself and act in the community. This is the reason why I am so embarrassed to be even writing this as it is far from who I am and how I have acted previously. I believe that throughout my time on the server, I believe that I did always provide a high level of roleplay and I always tried to make situations fun and enjoyable for all. I hope to be able to return and continue on my characters development and progression.

This community is by far the best I have come across and the roleplay standards are higher than any other communities I have been a part of. I haven’t been involved in many other communities due to the fact that they have never felt the same as RPUK. I still have many friends that I interact with regularly that are still involved in RPUK and they have spent the last 18 months telling me what an idiot I was and to be honest they are completely right. I can ensure you if giving the opportunity to return I will never stoop to the low level of childishness that you have once seen from me.

I appreciate whichever staff is taking the time to read through this appeal and again I’d like to apologize one more time to Stavik and the staff team as a whole for the things I said and the headache I caused them. I betrayed your trust and I’m deeply ashamed of that. I miss the roleplay opportunities that RPUK provided me and I’d love the opportunity to return to have these interactions again.

Thankyou for reading this appeal.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good afternoon @Owen_Unbannn

The words I said to you were serious allegations and not something that should be used so casually.
So why did you say them?

Walk me through what happened leading up to you receiving this ban, you had a cleanish record here and to throw it away in the way that you did seems so ridicules, does it not?
Good afternoon Jessie, I appreciate the reply.

To answer the question about why I used them words. In all honesty, I very stupidly joined in with the crowd of people who were saying these sorts of things. I was very new to that friendship group and I suppose at the time I just wanted to “fit in” as some might say. There was people questioning me as to whether I was the supposed “rat” due to me being the newest member of Vagos. Due to being the newest member I was basically the least trusted and I suppose I just wanted to change that view they had on me. This was the complete wrong approach to take and when I realised that the group was as toxic as it was I should have just distanced myself from them completely and this is something I definitely would do if I ever found myself in a similar position. I believe this impacted my decision making and at the time I didn’t think about the impact the words I said could have on someone. Over time and after separating myself from that group completely, I realised what a stupid and foolish mistake I had made and I deeply regret the things I said.

Around the time of the ban and before I was taking a break from the server. I returned to the server after this break and became a hangaround for Vagos. Around the time of them getting lifed I was asked to step up and officially join them to take care of business on the outside of prison. Not long after that, I was put in prison with Vagos but I was released quickly due to lack of evidence of involvement with the OCG. This was roleplay that I really enjoyed and was an exciting time for me especially after being away from the server for a little while, it was refreshing. I believe after a few days this is when Vagos members started being community banned. The environment that was there in the past had switched and people began to point fingers at numerous people, Myself being one of them people. It was believed that there was a “rat” or a “snake” and people were thinking that I had been involved in this. I then made the foolish decision to join in on what others were doing and made some stupid comments that landed me with the community ban I am still serving punishment for today. After this I basically cut contact with the group rather quickly.

You are correct, I did have a rather clean record and it’s something I always prided myself on. I always tried my best to create good roleplay scenarios and to always play fair and by the rules. To throw it all away with this situation is something which I regret to this day and to be honest it’s something that I am very embarrassed about. I hope that my record and my previous roleplay can be some sort of merit to show that I can be a positive asset of this community. Although my word might not mean much after what I have done I can ensure you that something like this will not happen again.

Thankyou for the reply, if there is any further questions you have regarding anything then don’t hesitate to ask. I will answer anything as open and honestly as I can.
Hello @Owen_Unbannn

I am confused on some things,

- Based on what they were saying and the insults that were being thrown around (as it clearly not your standard "banter), why would you want to "fit in" with that type of group?

- It concerns me that you didn't want to separate yourself from that type of environment until after the ban, why did it take for you to receive this ban for you to separate yourself from that group

- You say you took pride in your clean record so why ruin it the way that you did? There were many things that could have been done but you chose the toxic route.
Hello again Jessie, I appreciate the speedy reply and I understand the confusion so I’ll try be a bit more clear with my points.

To answer the first point I would like to clarify that I wasn’t trying to fit in to join the racists, I was trying to fit in to stay in the group that participated on the server and to avoid being targeted by others for not doing what they were doing. I was worried at the time that if I distanced myself from them I would get a lot of abuse. I didn't want to have to deal with it, I just wanted to play. I was really enjoying the gang RP and I was having a lot of fun in game and didn’t want to get kicked out and abused for saying it was wrong. There's a lot of different things I could've done differently, I should have done this and could have done that, I just wish I used my head. I just wanted to play and not have to deal with it so I took the easy option and just went along with it. I understand this is the wrong mentality either way and I should have just distanced myself, for the duration of my ban I have been frustrated with myself for not doing this, not only because of the consequences but because it was so unbelievably stupid. At the time I was immature, stupid and just looked at things with the wrong mindset, a mindset I definitely won't be getting stuck in again. I don't want to get involved in the politics, I just want to play a game and have fun, thinking for myself and representing myself properly and not being influenced by other people. Again I’d like to offer my most sincere apologies to the people affected by my actions.

In regards to the second point, I explained that I was genuinely worried that if I distanced myself I would’ve become a target. Accusatory fingers were already being pointed at me being the newest member of the gang and I didn’t want people to have this opinion or view of me. Obviously though, if I could go back I would have just left on the spot but at the time it was a difficult situation to be in. I chose the wrong option and acted naïve and with immaturity. This is something that wouldn’t happen again and something that I deeply regret. After the ban I had no reason to talk to them anymore, like I explained I really enjoyed the in game aspect and the roleplay and that was primarily my focus but when I received the ban I no longer had a reason to be involved with the group and the toxicity.

Your final point is something I strongly agree with. I completely ruined my clean record which I took pride in and that's something that I’m very embarrassed and ashamed about. Mainly because it tarnished my own reputation and presented a bad side of me that wasn't a clear representation of myself and the way I currently am. I wish I could go back and change my actions but I can't and I can only ensure that nothing like that happens again going forward. I completely understand how toxic it was and the severity of my actions, I take responsibility for my words but strongly condemn what I said. I hope that this one incident doesn't serve to overshadow my time on RPUK as it was filled with positive experiences and interactions based on player testimonial and positive memories. Other individuals took alternative routes out of toxic groups and those people are still actively participating or did participate in the community for a long time. I should have taken the route they did instead of following the herd and being a sheep. It frustrates me to look back on how I tried to change the opinions and try to impress people that acted in that way.

Again, I really appreciate the speedy responses and for hearing me out. If there’s anything I’ve missed out or anything you’re confused on I can elaborate more on if you need.
Good afternoon @Owen_Unbannn

I do apologise on the late reply, that pesky personal life and all

I hope all is well today :)

A lot of trust has been broken with this so I have concerns, how can we trust that you wouldn't fall in to the same toxicity? How would you avoid something like this in future if you were to be unbanned? If you are given a second chance on the server what would be different?

As you said in your first paragraph, it is a game that you'd like to play, this would be the same for all other members in the community. A place where some people can shut off from the stress of the real world. So what roleplay are you looking to engage with? what are some of the stories you are looking at providing if you were to be unbanned?
Good afternoon Jessie, I hope all is well with you and there is no need to apologise. I am well aware and understanding that unban appeals are the lowest priority and I appreciate you using your free time to deal with this appeal.

I understand the concerns and how you feel I have broken trust with the staff team and community. That is something that over time I plan to fix and put right. In regard to trusting why I wouldn’t fall into the same toxicity, well this time I would do stuff differently. I have taken a long time away from the community and not being able to play due to my own actions has honestly made me value my time in the community a lot more. It’s not something I want to throw away over something so stupid and toxic as that isn’t a representation of me as a person. If I was to be unbanned or given a second chance I would be very careful with who I choose to surround myself with and if I felt like I was surrounded by similarly toxic people like I was involved with in the past then I would simply just remove myself from that group. I’ve learnt my lesson and people of that nature aren’t people that I want to play games with. Again I would like to apologise for my words and actions.

To be honest this is something that I haven’t given much thought until now. I’m unsure as to what has changed in the server over my time away and I’ve only heard bits and pieces when talking to some friends that still play the server. So exploring these new features and creating interesting roleplay scenarios with them is something that definitely interests me. For example, the new bank heists. In regards to my characters I am undecided on whether I want to continue from where I left off on my Owen Readshaw character or look at making a new character. A new character is definitely something that is appealing to me as it might be a good way to really leave the past behind me and show by creating a new criminal character the interesting and creative side of roleplay I can bring to the server. At the same time I also like the memories and contacts I created on Owen Readshaw and it might be nice to create an interesting story of why I’ve been away for so long and try reconnect with people I’ve met. It would definitely be interesting to see what could come from that.
Good afternoon @Owen_Unbannn

I hope all is well today :)

You were banned coming up to 2 years ago, what has changed for you to realise the mistakes and want to come back?

Have you been roleplaying any where else and if you have what roleplay have been apart of there?
Hello again Jessie, I appreciate the speedy response and I hope all is well with you.

The main thing that made me realise the mistakes was once I distanced myself from toxicity and toxic people. It’s been a long 2 years away from the community and that is no ones fault but my own. I had realised my mistakes not long after being banned which like I’ve said in previous responses and appeals is why I chose to distance myself from certain people as that isn’t a true reflection of myself and I hated that I allowed myself to get dragged into that level of toxicity. I have made various other appeals in the past that highlighted similar sort of feelings and I can assure you that my actions in the past are something which I deeply regret and I am embarrassed by them. The want to come back comes simply from all the memories I created in RPUK. The server was unmatched in my eyes in comparison to other games and I’ve never devoted as much time and effort into a game as I did the RPUK server. Another thing that stands out is the people that I met here on RPUK. I am unsure on how many of them still play the server but it would be nice to potentially roleplay with old faces again and also experience roleplay with the newer members of the community.

To answer the second question that would be a yes but on and off to be honest. I have played in other communities and have been involved in being a cop on a different server and have also been a part of the gang life in other servers. To be honest though none of them ever felt the same as RPUK in terms of enjoyment and roleplay standards so I stopped playing after short periods of time. I would love the opportunity again to experience roleplay on RPUK as this is where I’ve had the most fun and have been involved in interesting storylines that these other servers just didn’t provide.
Hello Jessie, appreciate the speedy reply.

I’ll keep the answer to this question fairly short as there isn’t much to it. The answer would be no, I haven’t spoken to that group in a long time and as I’ve stated in previous appeals I distanced myself from them shortly after the ban was placed. I don’t plan on involving myself along side anyone with that level of toxicity ever again.
Good afternoon @Owen_Unbannn

I hope all is well today :)

I have been having some thoughts over the last few days over your appeal, wondering what next? Well based on your detailed and thought out responses I am happy to welcome you back under one condition. I liked the idea of you maybe picking up your old character and playing the "where have you been story" but I did also think maybe a complete fresh start for you would be better for your return. So the condition would be a complete fresh start, all current characters would be deleted. With any new characters you would of course choose which direction you would want them to go, crim/ gang, legal work and/or even a civilian. You have the 4 slots like everybody else so you have many options to choose from.

Do you agree to the above condition?
Hello Jessie, Hope all is well with you thank you for the response

I agree a fresh start is a good idea for me and I agree with the conditions set
Good evening @Owen_Unbannn

I am very well thank you!

I can confirm this has been done and very soon you will be able to reconnect to the server. Before you do reconnect though, read over the server rules again so you do not end up back here as it would be a shame to see all the effort you have put in to this appeal go to waste.

For your forums, this account will be C1.6'd and your old account will be unbanned shortly.

Do not waste this chance.

Any bans you receive within the next 6 months will bring you back here.

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