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Recent content by Jinx a

  1. Jinx a

    R.I.P XXXTENTACION  man 💔💔💔💔😢 🌹 🥀 

    R.I.P XXXTENTACION  man 💔💔💔💔😢 🌹 🥀 
  2. Jinx a

    NEW! - A Stoneman's Guide - The Altis Life RPUK

    So calmmm👌👌👌👌
  3. Jinx a

    Report a Player - [COM] Michael M; [COM] Jinx Jingtai - Poor/Low Quality RP (action taken)

    Hi @James_W12345 I think it was not as high quality roleplay I apologise. This is because my gang memeber shot him and I wasn’t aware of him abt to shoot him. I should’ve told him that I am sorry I shall call the NHS to revive the man because what my man did was by accident. Instead I used...
  4. Jinx a

    Report a Player - [COM] Michael M; [COM] Jinx Jingtai - Poor/Low Quality RP (action taken)

    Btw just to point out what I said on my initiation part it was : “put your hands up or you will be shot with leathal force” and I gave u time. My execution “sir you are going to be executed because you didn’t comply do you have any last words?” You said your last words I responded and then I...
  5. Jinx a

    Report a Player - [COM] Michael M; [COM] Jinx Jingtai - Poor/Low Quality RP (action taken)

    I didn’t shoot you, the other guy did i didn’t tell him to shoot cause I would’ve shot my self as you can hear me in the recording all confused. Tbh I didn’t do anything wrong, I don’t kn why am I being reported. Also my execution roleplay was good so I don’t understand what’s wrong with it, as...
  6. Jinx a

    Report a Player - iSnipz - RDM (Rejected)

    How would we know that. You could’ve been with a gun round the corner for a opportunity to shoot my friend you see. Also how would you run 800m in 20secs - 40😎
  7. Jinx a

    Report a Player - iSnipz - RDM (Rejected)

    Also my friend didn’t have to give a proper execution cause he was now in a gun fight cause there were 2 of you guys and the second one was in the area so there was no need for role play to be carried out for his execution. So we are not in the wrong you see :)
  8. Jinx a

    Report a Player - iSnipz - RDM (Rejected)

    (7.1.3) Killing someone must be carried out with high quality roleplay, “put your hands up or I will shoot” etc is considered low quality RP and may lead to a ban for RDM/Fail RP. Executing another player must also be carried out with high quality roleplay, the only exception to this rule is if...
  9. Jinx a

    Report a Player - iSnipz - RDM (Rejected)

    Yes that was my friend that shot Roy. Although Roy’s initiation was very poor and with out me saying “or what” he would’ve shot me , also he did a count down which is against the rules too so he  is right now in a sticky situation.
  10. Jinx a

    Report a Player - Tyler Ocean - RDM (Action Taken)

    I also have a video of the situation too. If you want me to post it let me know. :)
  11. Jinx a

    Un-ban Appeal - Jinx a - 08/26/2017 (Unbanned 03/09/2017)

    Hi @CC Aiden  I can bring great RP, lots of socialising, fun challenges, good driving, piloting, follow by the rules in best form, become a well known RP player towards people and a good citizen. (I can't think of anything else😂 also its my birthday 🎉 )
  12. Jinx a

    Un-ban Appeal - Jinx a - 08/26/2017 (Unbanned 03/09/2017)

    In-game Name Jinx Jingtai Steam ID 76561198305869875 The date of your ban. 08/10/2017 Member of the team that banned you. Drew Reason given for your ban. NLR The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. Me and my...
  13. Jinx a

    Un-ban Appeal - Jinx a - 08/11/2017 (Timed Out)

    NLR:  "A new life means that your character has lost all previous memories. It still is the character you play, example: You are still apart of the rebels or cops and you still knows all your friends. Your character forgets the events and information leading up to their death. The only...
  14. Jinx a

    Un-ban Appeal - Jinx a - 08/11/2017 (Timed Out)

    At the time when I was playing after I came from a server full of rdmers, it made me forget about some rules from this server and it is a natural mistake that people do and we learn from our mistake.
  15. Jinx a

    Un-ban Appeal - Jinx a - 08/11/2017 (Timed Out)

    In-game Name Jinx Jingtai Steam ID 76561198305869875 The date of your ban. 08/10/2017 Member of the team that banned you. Drew Reason given for your ban. NLR The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. Me and my...