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Broken Equipment.

A92 Delta

Well-known member
Brief Summary: Add some sort of feature to fix or make a way to get the police / g6 equipment.

I've been around the server quite a while know so I've experienced both systems of having "broken/busted" equipment and not. I recognise that the rob rate for cops and G6 was through the roof when the break system wasnt implemented however the new system is a bit over the top... Every cop or g6 that i have robbed since this new system has consistently dropped all "broken" equipment without fail, I was talking to a guy that robbed 15 cops and ALL of them dropped broken equipment. Now I dont know the percentage of when they wont drop broken or if at all possible but at the moment robbing a cop or g6 is worthless unless you're just really hungry or looking for a hostage. 

Most robbery attention has turned to Taxi drivers and I dont think this is better than the previous robberies of the police. I think if a way to "fix" the guns through the means of making a new weapon part or if there was a NPC like the dodgy doctor who could fix them for a price, or even if the likelihood of them being broken was reduced a large bit then it would be better. I dont see the point of having the broken weapons if there is no way to fix them, surely just make it that you cant take the weapons from them etc. Bare in mind this suggestion is made from the fact that me nor nobody that i know of knows if there is a way to fix the equipment that breaks.



Taxi drivers are likely to get robbed less

 Better options for roleplay as when people rob a police officer they usually have less quality roleplay since they know its not really worth it.

Less "useless" items.


police officer robberies will increase (not necessarily a bad thing since they will get roleplay)

yes the gun may say "jammed" but its unfixable therefore its broke, thats the problem. Guns jamming, especially a 9mm isnt so often, and fixing a jammed glock is as simple as holding it upside down with the mag unloaded and palming the grip towards the barrel. So again the system currently implemented is the most unrealistic out of all of these suggestions. 
Who said its unfixable?

Again i think people are a little fixated on the details specifically to do with robbing. Its a symptom of the difficulty of obtaining firearms by the community at large.

In recons roadmap post in september it suggested a way to reintroduce a more controlled system to bring more availability of guns to the server. Maybe this is the way to solve the robbery problem. Allow players to work for and earn them instead of choosing the path of least resistance i.e holding up police and g6 till they quit........

Sometimes you need to go to the root of the problem and not the problem itself and fix that.

Again i think people are a little fixated on the details specifically to do with robbing. Its a symptom of the difficulty of obtaining firearms by the community at large.

In recons roadmap post in september it suggested a way to reintroduce a more controlled system to bring more availability of guns to the server. Maybe this is the way to solve the robbery problem. Allow players to work for and earn them instead of choosing the path of least resistance i.e holding up police and g6 till they quit........

Sometimes you need to go to the root of the problem and not the problem itself and fix that.
wait just to clarify is this to make it that you need to do a lot of work to get firearms or is it just go to a shop and buy them easy kind of thing?

wait just to clarify is this to make it that you need to do a lot of work to get firearms or is it just go to a shop and buy them easy kind of thing?
A while ago we made the decision to quite heavily restrict the influx of weapons, at the time we all agreed this was a necessary change, but it does seem now like we have somewhat hit the other extreme. We are gonna be looking at some middle ground, one potential change for this is rebalancing the stats on weapons (specifically pistols) to make some of the other weapons more beneficial and significantly dropping the prices / cost of manufacturing on the lower tier weapons.

Thats the link and paragraph i referred to.

A while ago we made the decision to quite heavily restrict the influx of weapons, at the time we all agreed this was a necessary change, but it does seem now like we have somewhat hit the other extreme. We are gonna be looking at some middle ground, one potential change for this is rebalancing the stats on weapons (specifically pistols) to make some of the other weapons more beneficial and significantly dropping the prices / cost of manufacturing on the lower tier weapons.

Thats the link and paragraph i referred to.
i would really hate for this to change to how altis was where everyone had access to a gun with a 5 - 10 min drive to a gun shop the way it is now where you can make guns or rob them is a better and more realistic way of getting firearms in the UK than just buying them on a corner shop

like i hope making guns is still hard to do at least but not impossible but shouldn't always be readily available make it rare something like that

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i would really hate for this to change to how altis was where everyone had access to a gun with a 5 - 10 min drive to a gun shop the way it is now where you can make guns or rob them is a better and more realistic way of getting firearms in the UK than just buying them on a corner shop

like i hope making guns is still hard to do at least but not impossible but shouldn't always be readily available make it rare something like that
Altis Roleplay was completely different, there was 0 standard of roleplay unless you went to hobos in Kavala and nobody valued their life against someone with a Rook that you could get from the shop. A pistol on this server has the effect of someone decamping on you from an Ifrit with a mk200

i would really hate for this to change to how altis was where everyone had access to a gun with a 5 - 10 min drive to a gun shop the way it is now where you can make guns or rob them is a better and more realistic way of getting firearms in the UK than just buying them on a corner shop

like i hope making guns is still hard to do at least but not impossible but shouldn't always be readily available make it rare something like that
I'd like to see some guns be accessible to the common folks and not gated behind rp scenarios but the cost should be significantly high that losing it would require more than just the click of a button. People shouldn't just be gung ho about pulling them out or going equipped with them. 

An example could be a six round snub nose revolver. Cons such as a longer than normal reload time or lower power compared to the glock, colt, sig etc.

In saying that I'd really like to see the option available to craft more items generally, specifically more use for the various metals available to encourage more use of the mine and smelter. 

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that guy is not a dev for fivem 😄

the idea of guns breaking when police or g6 drop them is a good thing i would say and it makes the rp more enjoyable for police and g6 instead of being robbed all the time. i think there should be a way to fix the weapons, but there is a chance you could loose the broken gun when doing it like its a 50% chance u would get it back fixed or not get it back at all, it would be alot of dev work though tbf. as much as i would like it to not break when police/g6 drop weapons, stopping the whole not weapon breaking thing would just ruin rp for police and g6 again. 
I like the idea you had here, of the chance of loosing the gun while repairing it. I do agree that this has helped with the robbery problem but it is an extreme i feel.
