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Unban Appeal - BasicalyIKEA - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for BasicalyIKEA 

In-game Name: Tony Tero

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199020294816

Ban ID: !!rpuk8591!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 G1.6

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Its been a while since I was banned so Honestly what I can gather from my previous appeals from a couple months ago, It was for combat logging after I came back from a ban before this one, And also from what I can see I've written it was after a fight with some guy at a mechanic shop, In all honesty I cant remember, I've taken a long break from RP and thought I would come back and see whats new around the places and try and build myself up again, But again, I forgot why I was banned and All I gathered from my previous appeals Is it was for Combat logging, Probably because I got super Salty or something XD

Why should we unban you ?: Well, I haven't been RP'ing as much as I used too, I took a break and I think this Ban was over 3-4 maybe more Months ago and I'm trying to get back into it again, Its a new year since I was banned and Im not going to rain all this "New Year New Me" BS on you guys to get Un-banned, I also got to focusing on myself and stuff while away, Became better at Just accepting that a game is juts a game at the end of the day and the fact that RP is RP it is still just a game not that it should be treat as a game but Sh!t Happends and you gotta accept that when things happen, wether that means I die with a gun on me or something, If i die I die i caused that to happen, even if i was 'Fearing for my life' Things juts happen gotta accept it, But long story short, Its a new year, I am Growing i have matured and I want to come back but wether you guys want me to thats up to you, But It is what it is, Anyway, Thanks for reading, Hope to hear from you guys soon - Tony Tero (Tony T)

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there @BasicalyIKEA
I hope we're doing well today. 

Here's a little homework for you, to summarize all that you've been banned for, which was also summarized in your previous unban appeal. 

This is one of the reports that helped you in regards to being banned. 
If you look at the player report you'd find out the following that you were banned for; 
Combat Logging
Being in Character
When you are downed

This is your THIRD Permanent Ban
Just like stated in your previous ban appeal, that Stuart dealt with, you've been banned for rather serious things in the past, and yet here we are again, now I appreciate that you put more effort into this application over the other once that you made, but, I am still at the point where I am unsure IF we were to unban you, how long till we'd see each other again. 

I've a few questions for you. 
How do I know we won't see each-other again if you were to be unbanned? 
In your words how have you matured in the time away? 
Why did you decide to break those rules? - What was going through your head? 

All I gathered from my previous appeals Is it was for Combat logging, Probably because I got super Salty or something XD
Do you often get "super salty", and break rules?
In your own words explain the rules you were banned for, and why they are in place. 

Thank you for your time and effort in the unban appeal. 
I hope you've a wonderful day/night. 🙂

Thank you for your reply Mike, 

To answer all the questions you have ill Tell you the truth and only the truth, So  Ill go from the very start but shorten it down so you don't get bored reading it...

When i first got into RP I was watching Youtube videos on it and trying to find a good server, I actually never RP'd at this point and I wanted to give it ago so I was pretty much new to the whole thing, I was here for about a few months then I was banned, I cant remember what the first ban I ever got was but I eventually ended up coming back and I planned to stay there was no Intention of me coming back to just get banned again, But then The Ban for the more serious incident came in and I was banned, I took a 6 Month break because I couldn't appeal in the 6 months and I was allowed back in, Which I have been grateful for ever since and again had no intention to juts come back and get banned, I had friends here and I enjoyed it, Then here we are today pretty much, Had an altercation with a guy as per the video in the May 2nd, 2022 Video for the report on the other individual, Where he killed me and I got "Super Salty"...

Now to answer your Question;

Do you often get "super salty", and break rules?
No, No i don't, Now I understand 2 Wrongs don't make a right, but I didn't think the whole process through I thought for RP reasons you couldn't pick someone up any other way and it had to be through Carrying then and they had to accept it for RP reason, Which you also said above in the Report I did for the other person at the time i made "The option is there for a reason, you do NOT have to accept a carry

How do I know we won't see each-other again if you were to be unbanned? 
In all honesty I hope we don't, Well I do but I hope its under better circumstances, and not over the Forums as a UnBan Appeal, If I was to be UnBanned I would just go back to my ways of what I was doing and I don't mean breaking rules, I mean RP'ing Properly and chilling keeping myself to myself and just not get involved in every scene I see,  Just go and Fish and try and RP properly, And accept the fact that If i am going to go see Shark Tail in 4K at the bottom of the Ocean because someone decided thats where they want me then, Fair enough, I have to accept that and Just take it on the chin

In your words how have you matured in the time away? 
Well If we are talking about Maturing in RP, i have come to realize that I don't need to But into every scene I find, or Try and force a scene wit someone, But to understand, It is a game to an extent and tho sometimes you cant treat it like a game with it being RP, but to just have fun, Make friends and build respect with people, I understand I would have had a lot of people lose respect for me after my Bans and that's understand able, But I have to rebuild that back with those people and be a better person...

But if we are talking about maturing IRL, Well I grew up, I now have a car, Stable Job, I go gym, My mindset is a lot better then what it was back when i first joined the server, I'm Never a "super salty" person anymore and I'm doing well in the Real world for myself, I was never like this when i started RP and now I'm growing as a person and changing as a person as well, Understandable that's life but Its a part of life where people Change, Mature and Grow as people.

I hope this answers all your questions Mike, and I hope to hear back soon

Tony Tero (Tony T)

Hello there @BasicalyIKEA
I hope we're well tonight. 

First of all, I do not mind how much you write, at least it shows you put effort into it and it matters to you, I would not get "bored" reading your appeal, I enjoy reading them and I enjoy dealing with them, so don't ever worry about me being "bored". 

In my previous reply I also stated; 
In your own words explain the rules you were banned for, and why they are in place. 
Combat Logging
Being in Character
When you are downed
Please answer them in your next reply for me. 

What are your plans for Tony Tero, where do you want to take him? What RP do you want to create? What is your goal for Tony Tero. 
Create a RP scenario for me that you want to do for Tony if he was to return. 

Let's say you were back in the server, and someone breaks rules in front of you, or with you, please walk me how you would go about dealing with this? 

This is your third perm ban, if you were unbanned and then banned again, you'd have a VERY difficult time coming back, I already want to make it difficult now and make sure you've learned your lesson before taking a chance on you. 

THANK YOU for the effort you put in so far. 
I hope you've a wonderful time! 

Evening @Mike Wolfie

I am doing great thank you,

In your own words explain the rules you were banned for, and why they are in place. 
Sorry I missed this part, I got too carried away with writing about the other things I must have just not realized I skipped over this... But In my own words and how I see these rules is;

Combat Logging: Forcefully leaving the Game or Server When downed/ Dead, Weather this be Alt + F4 or just F8 + Quit it does not matter this is combat logging (Exactly what I did I alt F8 + Quit Regretfully) This rule is set in place so people cant just die in the middle of nowhere and then Leave and spawn somewhere else just to get some help so they can keep a gun they may have had on them that cost them £500k or something 

Being In character when you're downed: Well when you're downed you have to act it, You get shot in the leg you have to act it out as if you got shot in the leg IRL which would obviously be really painful, This rule is set so that you don't ruin other peoples RP around you (Which in my case there was) 

What are your plans for Tony Tero, where do you want to take him? What RP do you want to create? What is your goal for Tony Tero. 
So I have used the name Tony Tero in every server I have been in, so its kind of a story as a whole, with how it goes pretty much, But where he has got to as a charater and grown as a character is going from Gang Life and moving through to just wanting to be stupid Rich, He wants money and He wants to be a big Business man Creating Jobs for people, to help him grow his business while people grow under him and help them make money, How he does this, He does not know, He has a few Businesses he wants to attempt to create, He started trying to make a real estate business at one point, which came to a halt after the ban, But he has tried other things around other places that just didn't feel right He has always wanted to return here and Hopes to one day.

Another Idea/ Business He had in mind was an Investment company, If someone had a business of their own to set up they would come to Tony and basically take a loan, They would propose his or her business to him and he would see if its worth inesting in with a % of the compnay going to Tony to make more money back, But still helping them grow, With this would create Multiple RP scenarios for Other groups and people;

1. The person who wants a business, they get a chance to propose the business and sell the Idea to tony, and think is it worth the investment of £100k to start and how much could i potentially make back from this Investment

2. RP with Lawyers, All good businessmen have a back up Idea, If Tony Invested in a company but had no legal document to show he had invested and that person just never came back or just got banned one day He would need to make his money back, So a lawyer would make a contract to say If the person does not make payment back within this date then the repo team go out or Debt collection, I would gain their possessions worth that amount, like i said above if i invest £100k and they never come back then i would get £100k worth of their stuff and the % of that 100k on top to make money back so if they had a car worth 100k I would get that and then % in anything else they would have (Legal stuff, No Guns, Drugs or other contraband)

RP Scenario;

One day I make a poster saying "Tony T's Investment agency" And someone had a great idea and wanted to open their own Car rental Company, but had no cars and they wanted at least 1 Mule to start with (From what i remember mine was 100k) I would get a lawyer to write a Contract saying I would need payment back of £100k + %5 on top of that deal That guy would go off do his thing make his rental company, and try and earn 105k to pay me back, Then that's it his loan is paid before dead line and he goes on to make more money

Obviously Bigger the Idea the more money they would need to pay back and Pay me in interest %, Failing to pay by deadline day will lead to potentially Court or reposition of items, Creating Risk but RP at the same time, there would also be a lot more in place in terms of the contract and more details, But this is a trail and error concept, I haven't made this happen in any other server or tried to it was just a thought That came to my head a while ago but i have other ideas That would bring an entire community together hop fully and create an Event ever moth or even every couple weeks depending on how well it would go, There are more Ideas i have in mind maybe one day ill afford a car dearler ship and can take that to be the best.

Let's say you were back in the server, and someone breaks rules in front of you, or with you, please walk me how you would go about dealing with this? 
If i could get my Medal to start running properly where i can actually use it and not break my PC then I would clip it and report it, In the back ground of what Im actually doing, So if I'm talking to a cop and someone does something in the back ground i would clip it and explain its the person in the back ground, While I still RP, But if its not and im talking to them and they break rules, Ill carry on doing what im doing but clip it and send it in and grab their ID number and forward it to a ban Request.

If someone did it with me, well that wouldn't happen because I wont be breaking any rules, But if you mean while in a scene with me and then broke a rule I would carry out the scene and depending how bad the rule break is, I would go somewhere with them where no one else is and say look don't do that again lets do sh!t properly and follow rules, If they are going heavy with the rule breaking and saying stuff they shouldn't then that's a no no, You're gone bro kinda things

For example;

I'm with someone, and there exploit while selling drugs (which is what i think i was told off for once by and Undercover cop who was Admin) I would talk to them and play it out at first and be like "You alright fella" and make a joke like "Did you even give him something ahaha" and hope he gets the hint, If not and he keeps doing it, I would make it abit more obvious, after that if hes still doing it probably report it or ask for an admin to come chat to him... I wouldn't be like " I'm telling on you for breaking rules" I would just report them once I log off for the night. 

I would also ask to speak privately round the corner with them if they can, and ask them to talk on Team Speak (I think that's the one you guys used here when i was last here) To see if we can solve what they was doing and just inform them that what they was doing or saying was out of order, and that you wont take further action unless needed to or saw/ heard them do/ say anything again after that

This is your third perm ban, if you were unbanned and then banned again, you'd have a VERY difficult time coming back, I already want to make it difficult now and make sure you've learned your lesson before taking a chance on you. 
This is very understandable, The second Ban was by far the hardest to come back from because of what I regretfully Did/ Said, But i came back I got back to doing what I was doing then I was silly enough to do something so stupid In a public place with about 6-7 people stood around watching and saw everything, And you making it hard for me to come back is fine, Thats also reasonable and understandable, Im happy to answer anything and everything with full truth and honesty.

I think that's everything answered that you asked, but like i say Ill answer everything and Anything with truth and Honesty, I have no reason to lie

Thanks again Mike, Hope to speak soon

Hello there @BasicalyIKEA 
I hope we're doing well tonight. 

I can see that you put a lot of effort into writing a reply, and trust me, I enjoyed reading it, it's apparent to me that you truly want to be back. 

There are just a few things I picked up in your reply that I want to point out and explain, just to make it a nice clear picture for you and anyone else. 
If someone breaks rules, please still stay in character, I noticed you said and I quote; 

I would also ask to speak privately round the corner with them if they can, and ask them to talk on Team Speak 
As you haven't been on the server for a while we've a new addition called Local-OOC (/Looc) (Can still obviously use the old /OOC method shown in examples below) - You can use that to get in contact with them out of the city without breaking character. 

/looc @123 Can you come to TS/Discord to liaison after situation? 
/ooc @123 can you come to TS/Discord to liaison after situation? 
^^^^ Please ask them for Discord/TS after the situation, try to still RP it out, feel free to let staff aware in OOC if there's someone clearly breaking rules, there's always staff around who are more than happy to help out. ALWAYS stay in character (unless informed by staff), you've learned this the hard-way with your most recent ban. 

Being In character when you're downed: Well when you're downed you have to act it, You get shot in the leg you have to act it out as if you got shot in the leg IRL which would obviously be really painful, This rule is set so that you don't ruin other peoples RP around you (Which in my case there was) 
Being In Character - Talking about people breaking rules. - Breaking Character. 
When you're down - you weren't talking/acting/behaving injured, you were shot, 3~4x.  

Those two are two different rules, just wanted to clarify it here for you. 

(G1.6) Being In Character - What happens in Roleplay needs to stay within Roleplay. Do not bring in character issues outside of the game, likewise do not bring your real life issues with other players into the game. You ARE NOT your character and they ARE NOT you.

(G4.4) When you are downed:
* You have been injured to the point that you have been incapacitated and you must roleplay your injuries. You have not yet been killed; this only occurs when you respawn.
* When roleplaying your injuries, you must not make direct reference to the in-game respawn timer.

Now I've a condition for you, 
If you're banned permanently again, you will have a 1 Month Minimum CD before appealing. (Obviously 2 months if you're banned for CL)
Do you agree? 

Good Evening @Mike Wolfie

As always Appreciate the quick reply's,

As you haven't been on the server for a while we've a new addition called Local-OOC (/Looc) (Can still obviously use the old /OOC method shown in examples below) - You can use that to get in contact with them out of the city without breaking character. 
This makes scese just wanted to say, This wasn't in the server when I was here, and I have never seen this before and I will be sure to use it when necessary, as for Team speak and the /ooc that was here when i was around and I believe only had to use this once, Just wanted to touch on this part.

Being In Character - Talking about people breaking rules. - Breaking Character. 
When you're down - you weren't talking/acting/behaving injured, you were shot, 3~4x.  
This is kinda what I meant, I'm just not the best at wording things, But yes I this and makes 100% sense to me same for the other points below \/

(G1.6) Being In Character - What happens in Roleplay needs to stay within Roleplay. Do not bring in character issues outside of the game, likewise do not bring your real life issues with other players into the game. You ARE NOT your character and they ARE NOT you.

(G4.4) When you are downed:
* You have been injured to the point that you have been incapacitated and you must roleplay your injuries. You have not yet been killed; this only occurs when you respawn.
* When roleplaying your injuries, you must not make direct reference to the in-game respawn timer.

Now I've a condition for you, 
If you're banned permanently again, you will have a 1 Month Minimum CD before appealing. (Obviously 2 months if you're banned for CL)
Do you agree?
As for this part yes, I 100% Agree to this, and I usually wait around a month or so to Appeal again, as when i do appeal straight away im told to wait around 1-2 months Anyway, But YES I AGREE

Again, Thank you for the speedy reply and again, Hope to hear from you soon

- Tony T

Hello there @BasicalyIKEA 
I hope we're doing well tonight. 

As for this part yes, I 100% Agree to this, and I usually wait around a month or so to Appeal again, as when i do appeal straight away im told to wait around 1-2 months Anyway, But YES I AGREE
1 Month Minimum CD before you can appeal if you are banned, however, if you're banned for Combat Logging, Combat Logging already comes with a 1 Month cooldown already, so in that case you'd have a 2 Month CD instead, I just want this to be explained and cleared so you understand. 

DO NOT waste this chance, I am taking a chance unbanning, please, don't throw it away. 

Before you join the server, please have a re-read of the rules ↓

Tony Tero

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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