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Unban Appeal - Ginogineli - GTA RP

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New member
Cardiff, Wales
Unban Appeal for Ginogineli 

In-game Name: Marcus Larkin

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199387617999

Ban ID: !!rpuk13279!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: (C1.2) Discrimination - Do not express discriminatory or otherwise offensive views. This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination. - Permanent Ban. This is the rule I broke and why sadly i have ended up in the appeal section of the forums. (use of F Slur)

Why should we unban you ?: Firstly I would like to personally apologise to the individual I used the slur against, under no circumstances should I have thought that using such a word would be acceptable in any given scenario in the city. Usually writing appeals you would need time to reflect and really understand why the ban was given but in this situation from the get go the ban was handed out i fully understood and completely respected the decision of the staff who took time to look over the review and hand out the given ban. It is with my upmost honesty that this would be the last time i ever see myself in this part of the forums again for this reason. I am fully aware of the rules and understand why they are in place. The staff do a great job on ensuring that this server is as smooth running and Rules are followed by, this is why i am hoping i can redeem my self and be given a second chance to right my wrongs in this server. Absolutely gutted that I will miss out on time in the city as i was really starting to progress in a way i was happy with an due to my stupidity that has been halted. Next time even when my character gets heated my choice of words and phrases will be considered deeper because at the end of the day i cant just use the excuse ' it just slipped out' Thank you to whoever takes they're time to read this. 

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hello there @Ginogineli
Was it YOU that got heated, or YOUR character? It felt a bit...personal? 
Do you usually throw words of that caliber around when you're heated? 

How can I be sure this is a one off? 
Are words of that caliber part of your daily vocabulary? If it slipped once, what is stopping you from it slipping twice? 

It is your time to convince us. 

Hello mike, Ill be 100% honest and say it was my character. I personally would never go out of my way and use words like that in every day life as I understand and know how it can effect someone. This instance of me saying it was a total slip up and sheer out of normality situation. I've been on the server for several months now and this is the first time i have been in this situation where my choice of words has landed me a ban but rightly so. like i stated above no malice or personal intent was aimed at the individual it was all within 'RP' and just like the real world saying the said slur is not a good look at all. I am Disappointed in my self that i allowed this to occur and with that i can guarantee you that this would be the last time i would be within this part of the forums again for this reason or even any. Lastly my time off the server during this ban is a big reason why i will make sure it doesn't happen again, its made me deeply consider how even just the smallest of words can hurt someone and that is not okay iny any matter. Also as this server is a way for me to escape reality and take part in something i have a passion for which is roleplay/ acting. I hope i can be given a second chance to redeem my self and show good quality rp doesn't need hateful or disrespectful words. Thank you.

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Lastly my time off the server during this ban is a big reason why i will make sure it doesn't happen again, its made me deeply consider how even just the smallest of words can hurt someone and that is not okay iny any matter.
The time off the server helped you realize all of this? You were banned on Wednesday, smallest of words? What do you mean by that? Do you consider the f-slur a small word? 

How can I be sure you won't accidentally slip up and use "small words" in the future again? You're not giving me much hope here...! 

Hi Mike cheers for the reply, slight miss understanding I should have explained better. By “small word” I didn’t mean the context of the slur I just meant the word as how small it is in writing. For no means do I believe that it is a small word as it holds so much meaning behind it and can cause major offence when used as what’s happened in this situation. like I said it’s not in my usual daily vocab so this being a re occurring thing is a definite impossibility. I will make sure of that and carefully think about my speech before using it. I don’t want to ever offend anyone on the server ever again as I wouldn’t do it in real life. Like I said I really felt disappointed in my self that i made some one feel a way to go out of their way and file a report against me. That is why I am hoping that I can be given another chance to try and rectify my mistake and prove that I can provide quality RP without having to use offensive language. Thank you.

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Hello there @Ginogineli
Sorry for the late reply, can you elaborate on;

I didn’t mean the context of the slur I just meant the word as how small it is in writing
What do you mean how small it is in writing? 

How do I know in the time you've been banned you managed to remove the word from your vocabulary, or if it was a mistake. 
Surely if it wasn't in the daily vocabulary, you wouldn't go to it as an automatic insult, no? 

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Hi Mike, what I mean is it is one singular word it’s not a massive one (as in its 6 letters long) it’s not a sentence. With that being I’m not taking the context away from how offensive and how insulting it is. Just goes to show only a little has to be said to offend someone.

Whole heartedly I can say that during my time off the server from this ban I’ve realised how impactful said speech can have on others and how important it is to not offend any one in the slightest. It was a complete out of character comment from me an I can promise you it was a one off. Its an eye opener and tbh its credit to the staff for ensuring situations like this do not go un noticed. I deserved the ban 100% but I am confident in my self that i am ready to be given a second chance and prove my self in the city for not spurting out offensive comments. 

All I can say is I’ve made a huge mistake I am taking full authority and am not only apologising to the person but to you too for having to deal with this situation. If I didn’t choose such vulgar language I wouldn’t be here right now. Therefore I am hoping you can put your trust in me and allow me in the city again providing rp to others in a non hateful manor. All I can do is apologise and say how deeply sorry I am and like I said it made me feel very disappointed in my self too. This really has made me learn my lesson not only in the city but in regular life too. I know you probably hear it a lot but it was a general mistake and with that being I can assure you that it would not ever happen again. On top of that Since the ban I haven't used or even thought about using the word again. Lastly it has made me understand how important the C1.2 Rule is in the city and why it is in place. Thanks 

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Heyous @Ginogineli
Understood, thank you for clarifying it a bit for me. 🙂

Tell me, what are your plans with your character? 
What is the lore behind that character? What do you want to accomplish with said character? 
If you'd be unbanned this would be your third chance, how many more chances do we've to give you? 

I also want to give you some conditions, if you're banned again within the next 6 months, you will not be able to appeal it for 3 months. 
Let's say you're banned again on the 15/08/2023 you will not be able to appeal it till 15/11/2023, do you agree? If you've such faith in yourself, I believe you can do it! 🙂

Thanks for the swift response mike, Well Marcus is sort of a ride alone keep his head down and work on his own sorta guy. Has a connection or two with a few people in the city who are in gangs but at this time the gang lifestyle is not for him. as recent a fellow friend has joined the city so exploring an showing him what the city has to offer and teaching him the ways of the city and how to go about making money will be on his list of things to do. Certainly tho eventually marcus would like to get himself involved with a gang/ group but it must be the right time for him. Expanding his vehicle collection and obtaining more valuables such as guns for example. 

Fully understand that this is my third chance and im going to do everything in my power to abide by every rule so i dont see this part of the forums again. I fully agree to the terms and except. I will prove my self right, thank you. 

Hello @Ginogineli
Perfect, I do hope you can develop your character further and get a strong arc going for Marcus. 

in regards to this, I just want to explain it a bit so it's understood. 

I also want to give you some conditions, if you're banned again within the next 6 months, you will not be able to appeal it for 3 months. 
Let's say you're banned again on the 15/08/2023 you will not be able to appeal it till 15/11/2023, do you agree? If you've such faith in yourself, I believe you can do it! 🙂
This will only apply for 6 months, if for 6 months of your original ban you do not get banned, the condition will rightfully decay. 


Any future rule breaks within the next 6 months will lead you straight back here to the appeals section so I'd suggest you re-read the rules and be on the safe side. 
Please don't let me regret this decision. 🙂


Welcome Back!

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Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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