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Unban Appeal - Tam Mcredin - GTA RP

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sniffing a ounce a gear
Unban Appeal for Tam Mcredin 

In-game Name: Tam Mcredin

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199121858367

Ban ID: !!rpuk12266!!

Reason given for your ban: C!.7

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i was banned because of a very dumb tweedle post entailing a dirty penis ,at the same multiple others were also posting pictures of a similar calibre however mine went a little beyond that and i believe that is why i was banned

Why should we unban you ?: i was unaware that a post of that nature was not allowed within the city ,due to similar posts at the same time being allowed and thought my post was also accepted. i apologise for any wrong doing done on my part and any harm or grievance done to any members of the community ,i am sorry for my actions and hope i can be let back in with the promise that i have learnt from my mistakes and nothing like that will happen again

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @Tam Mcredin

You're not wrong, what you did was incredibly stupid. 

i was unaware that a post of that nature was not allowed within the city ,due to similar posts at the same time being allowed and thought my post was also accepted.
This part here is very important to me, and is something I'd like to clear up with you before we proceed. 
- It is always your responsability to ensure that you abide by our server rules. He/She/It did or said, doesn't fly. 
Unless you've been told something by a member of the Management team (Correct, not even if told by Staff), what is written in our rules pages is what goes.
If you are having trouble understanding any of the rules however, feel free to open a Discord ticket and ask for a clarification / explanation. 

It's important to me that you understand that, even if you see somebody do something, it doesn't necessarily mean what they've done was within the rules. 
You need to think for yourself, else you'll land in exactly this position again.

- Community Rules
- GTA RP Rules

Furthermore; During this appeal, a report against you has been processed (REPORT) and actioned against you. 
This ban as been added on top of your current C1.7 ban, and must also be appealed. (Does not require a separate topic, can be appealed here!)

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Thank you for replying ,i know that it takes time out of your day to respond this kind of stuff that could be put to better use or for your own enjoyment, i would also like to thank you for showing me the RDM ban as i had not a clue i had gotten that and thought that was a mismatch in communication

in relation to the C1.7 ban,

i admit to being a massive idiot , not realising that what I did was so obviously wrong ,but like i said due to others i thought it was ok , not because i asked if it was but because i seen similar posts ,which was very naïve of me and i take full responsibility for it and hope i can be forgiven for it

in relation to the G1.2 ban , here https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/145373-report-a-player-283-didnt-get-other-gta-rp/

first of all , not at all to excuse myself , i was not given the chance to speak to "bmav" and did not see him try and resolve it on my end ,which i would have if i was made aware that he would like to resolve it before making the report , this comes down to me , not blaming anyone else, would just like to put it out there , i know that he did but i not made aware that he did until afterwards when i believed the issue was settled and thought it would not be best to "open old wounds" so to speak 

secondly , i am sorry for breaking the rules ,i thought that due to a "beef" stuff like that was fair game , especially when stuff like this has happened on both sides ,sadly i do not have evidence to back up my statements but i believe that there has been a lack of communication on both sides and that this matter has gone out of hand when it should have been resolved privately . again i would like to say that i apologise for any wrong doing can be resolved peacefully and respectfully

Very well. 

Let´s focus on the tweedle post for a minute... Why? What is the reason for you to go out of your way, searching for these kind of explicit and gross images? Although we do allow a lot of things on the server, apart from the blood, there is not much explicit content, correct? Shouldn´t that have rang a bell? 

hi there, in regards to the tweedle post i can see, with hindsight ,that it was not the best decision but the reason i posted it was due to the other posts at the time , examples i can give were people having intercourse with prostitutes within the game and a animated picture of a penis titled similarly to that of mine, i understand that my picture went well beyond what was appropriate but at the time i thought nothing of it  because of the other posts of the same nature , i personally did not search for it but i still was the one who posted it and for that i take full blame, I want to apologise for any harm I've done , especially to siren and bmav and hope they understand that i meant it in good fun and not in any bad faith and hope that we can move past this and put it al behind us .

thanks again and i hope we can resolve this respectfully and with no harm done to any parties

all the best x - Big Tam

@Tam Mcredin

I'll give you a golden chance to prove this was indeed a one-time 'lapse of judgement', and that we will not see you back in the unban appeal section again...
To ensure our time isn't wasted here, I'm going to add a few criteria to your return:

- Any ban within months, will be permanent [as per FBS]
- Any permanent ban within months will come with a two months cooldown before you can appeal.
- Any ban of this nature, will come with a three months cooldown before you can appeal.

Welcome back

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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